Hospital Conversations

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*cautiously and quietly places the update, not wanting to alert others of its presence.*

nice and one will notice that I have not updated in not want to start a chain reaction....

*Somehow the wattpad space was booby trapped and an alarm went out, notifying the fans that there was an update.*


well I'm doomed.




"Talk?" Dick looked confused for a brief moment. "We really do not have anything to talk about, Considering our paths never crossed until now." That was a lie... The day his parents died, he was there watching. Though a playboy like Bruce Wayne would not remember that.

"Not entirely true, Richard."

Well that logic went out the window. "Heh." Dick winced a little , his throat not particular fond of him speaking. "You know my name then.."

"It would be a lie if I said I wasn't looking for you before this...incident."

That didn't sound right. Why would Bruce Wayne be looking for him of all people. "Am I allowed to ask why?" Dick spoke cautiously, he was still not one hundred percent positive that Bruce remembered that night.

"The first thing I did was look into the orphanages, for some reason you were not in any of the systems.."Same deadpanned tone, not the tone that Dick often heard on the TV, and not sure if he liked where this conversation was going.

"Oh that's an easy problem to solve...I went to a correction center. No room in orphanages at the time." Dick spoke absently, this conversation feeling a lot like Deja vu..not that he liked saying his sob story..but it has definitely come up a lot recently. What Dick did not understand was the angry expression and clenched fists of Bruce Wayne. " am I in trouble for something... Why are you looking for me?"

Bruce's face softened slightly at the question. " To think you were right under my nose this whole time." He sighed. "I just wish I would have found out by less dramatic circumstances."

"You and me both I guess.. But you still did not answer the question." Dick spoke a little more firmly, not liking small talk and beating around the bush.

"To be simple, I want you to live with me, Richard." Bruce Wayne said bluntly. "I was planning on adopting you as soon as possible after your parents...but you were nowhere to be found."

Dick simply stared at Bruce like he had just told him that he was an alien. "What?" he asked lamely, wondering if he heard the other correctly or if it was just the pain meds kicking in.

Bruce Wayne gave a soft smile. "I asked if you would allow me to adopt you." Bruce held up his finger, motioning to Dick to hold on for a moment. "Two of your friends seemed very worried about you, I told them that I would notify them when you woke up." He had his phone out, seeming to be texting a message.

Friends? Oh right... Wally and Artemis. Would have really sucked if he died while still in a fight with them. "Can you let them know I am fine... Considering I was out for...How long exactly again?"

"Three Days."

Yeah they were probably freaking out "And you stayed here that whole time?"

"More or less. Found out on day two" The phone returned to his pocket.

Dick sighed and leaned back into his pillow, taking a moment to let this all sink in. This was a twist he did not ever once see coming.

"I know it is a lot to take in, but I hope you consider my offer."

Dick almost laughed at how business like Bruce sounded. "You do realize that taking in a supposed juvenile delinquent would be like a gunshot to your public reputation right?"

"You do realize that I am not one to really care what the public thinks about me." Bruce countered.

Dick snorted at the comment, a smile forming. "Well it is hard to argue with that logic."


Wally was just a pile of nerves. He was the one who found Dick unconscious in a heap by the lockers, and is still upset that the other students who passed did not even give him a second look. He was in such bad shape when he finally got to the hospital, and Wally and Artemis could do nothing but worry...Actually caused a lot of screw ups the mission the same day it happened. They actually had to explain to Batman why they screwed up it was that bad. Then the next day in the hospital, Bruce Wayne of all people show up. Said that a friend asked him to look over Dick while they were at school. Wally's suspicions was the Bat..but he was thankful...who knew what those rich parents would do to keep out of a lawsuit. Wally was worried that they might send someone to finish the witness no case...It would not have surprised wally with the level of corruption Gotham has.

When Wally's phone went of in his pocket during school, he did not even care about taking it out in the middle of class. He was hoping that it was what he hoped it would be.

Bruce Wayne

'He is awake, wants to let you know he is fine.'

"Is there something you want to share with the class Mr.West?" The teacher spoke up loudly.

Wally looked over to Artemis, who was on the other side of the room. "Why yes I would." Wally stood up, smiling widely, in turn Artemis did as well, one of relief and knowing. "To the asshats in my room who conveniently had an alibi to beating up my good friend : Fuck you and gooday!" Wally started walking out the door, looking at the shocked expression of the teacher. "I'll grab my homework after school." He heard a chair slide against the ground and not long after, Artemis was at his side as they both walked out the door.

"Do you think he is still angry?" Wally asked as they headed to the front of the school.

"I think after he hears about what you..well..what WE did to those bullies, Very unlikely." Artemis smirked a little. "It will be quite the story."

"Do you still have that bat-a-rang we used? I bet he will geek out even more if we let him keep it."

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