Chapter 1 - Going Home

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Thomas's Pov

We watched in joy as W.I.C.K.E.D went down in flames, it was like a burden was lifted off of our chests. W.I.C.K.E.D is finally out of our lives, for good. I looked around at my friends, some of them were still watching the flames while others we having small discussions among them selves. Newt walked over to me with a small smirk across his face.

"So Tommy, what's next on the bloody agenda?" Newt asked as he seemed deep in thought.

Honestly, I didn't have a clue but I knew for sure that we were all going to getting out of here. It's a good thing we got our memories back but on the downside they don't all come back at once. It takes time to completely get every one of them back. What I know for sure is that we are currently in California and I grew up in some place called Beacon Hills and I had a plan.

"Call a gathering ." was all I said in response. Newt gave me a curious glare but rushed off to gather everyone.


Ten minutes later, we all stood under a very big and shady tree. Newt took over as leader ever since Alby's death.

"SHUT YOUR BLOODY HOLES, TOMMY HAS SOMETHING TO SAY! " Newt screamed to get everyone's attention.

I thanked Newt for the silence, I spoke up. "Okay, since getting my memories back,I remembered the place that I grew up in and  I think it's safe to say that we can find a home there. Unfortunately there is limited traveling space and only six of us can go." 

" Harriet, Sonya and I are heading to Alaska. It's where I grew up and I'm sure there are people there who can help us out." Aris said hopefully.

"How are you planning on getting there?" I asked curiously because I was the one who's taking the jeep.

"We'll find a way don't worry." He said with a small smile.

"Be careful, don't die." was all Newt said in response.

"Brenda and I will take a berg and fly where ever the wind takes us." Jorge said putting a loose arm around Brenda and she grinned at the idea.

"Well that just leaves Newt, Gally, Minho, Teresa and Frypan. You'll come with me to Beacon Hills." I said not asking but telling them already on my way to Bertha, Jorge's jeep that he gave to us for safe keeping.

"I have a question." Gally said.

"And what's that? " Minho said in a sarcastic, cheerful British accent, copying Newt's own.

Newt smacked him in the head.

"Cut it out and just ask the question already Gally! " Minho said annoyed, as he rubbed his head.

"Well what are we gonna do when we get there?'' Gally asked confused.

We were all quiet for a minute until I remembered something.

"We'll start a new life and I know exactly where to go." I said referring to that place I once called home.

Beacon Hills.


Hey guysss so I hope you like this short chap . I promise they will get longer as we go along!

Plz like/share/ comment because your feedback is very important ❤

I'm doing a collab with @fifipisces on this book !

Hope you like it ♡

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