Chapter 3 - Settling In

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Thomas' POV

What the hell is a Stiles?

I thought to myself, It was on the tip of my tongue but I couldn't grasp it. I didn't realize that I actually passed a gigantic sign saying:

Welcome to Beacon Hills.

We were finally at the place where I longed to call home once again. Strangely, I remembered the exact area where I used to live,I remember my house.

I pulled into a narrow track which lead to a big, two story house. The house was painted a fading mint green colour and the mailbox was covered with rust which seemed to be hiding names carved in from years ago.

The strange thing was that I don't remember my family members, just blurred faces that still needed to sharpen into focus.

"Where are we? " Newt asked,rubbing the sleep out of his eye like a little kitten.

I internally cooed at his cuteness and simply said

"The house that I lived in when I was younger."

"Looks like a shack." Teresa said.

Before I could say something Gally caught me off guard by responding first.

"Well that's all we have so shut up " he practically yelled at Teresa.

Teresa rolled her eyes and hopped out of Rose and  walked towards the house.

I was the second person to get out with everyone following behind closely.

Instead of heading towards the house, I went straight to check out the mailbox . I blew away all the dust and saw a name.

The Stilinskis.

"The hell does that mean?" Frypan asked from beside me making me Jump a little.

"It's my last name " I said tracing over the words with my finger tips.

"Thomas Stilinski? Ha!" Frypan chuckled which earned him a smack in his arm.

"Shut up and go inside " I said completely annoyed. I pushed past him and made my way to the door.

Obviously, it was locked and on the downside I didn't even know where the key was.

"Shit" I said softly to myself.

"Start searching for the key " I ordered already bending down to look.

I saw everyone else bending down to look as well. I saw something in the flower pot shining at the corner of my eye.

"Jackpot." I said with relief. Everyone except Newt who was wondering off into the distance turned to me.

"Wait why the hell would that key be there? No one's lived here for years. " Minho stated suspiciously.

He's right. Nevertheless, I pushed the key into the lock and with hesitation, I opened the door.

The inside smelled musty, which was something I could deal with.

Antique wallpapers were plastered on each and every wall. Old chair and table sets were placed in the living and dining rooms. The lamps were covered in a think layer of dust. I tried the switch and It worked perfectly.

"At least we got electricity. " Gally said from behind me.

"Hey guys check this out! " I heard Minho shout from upstairs. He was standing in a large bedroom in front of a big metal object in the wall, I walked over to Minho who was taking a closer look at the metal object and I noticed that it was a safe. 

The Stilinski Twins (Tw/tmr Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now