Chapter 5 - New Romances?

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Newt's pov

It's already been ten minutes since Tommy left and this silly game has started again. I sighed as I couldn't help but think what trouble he has gotten into.

"Hey, Newt where Thomas? " Teresa asked curiously.

"I don't bloody know. " I growled suddenly irritated.

"Damn, that attitude of yours is just wonderful, ain't it? " Minho perked up cheerfully.

"Why don't you go clear your mind a little , take a walk " he said seriously.

I just rolled my eyes and left the game deciding to go look for Tommy. I walked into the school and searched several different rooms but had no luck. After a while, my bladder was screaming at me to take a tinkle so I went searching for the boys room.

Five minutes later I was busy relieving myself when a loud bang made me jump nearly ten feet high, thankfully no pee got on my pants. I zipped up, washed my hands and went to investigate.

"Tommy, that you? " I asked curiously following the sound out of the bathroom and went around some lockers. The noise lead me to what seemed to be the boys locker room.

I froze on the spot at the sight in front of me. A shirtless boy laid on a bench lifting weights, grunting at the sheer weight.

I totally was not staring at his flexing biceps as he lifted the weights up and down.

"Are you enjoying the view?" He asked putting down the weights and sitting up and dear lord I was totally not watching his abs.
I had to play cool.

"Cocky aren't we. " I said arching my eyebrow.

He smirked and for a split second I could have sworn I saw a hint of lust in his eyes.

"Did you happen to see anyone pass through here, specifically a boy? " I asked diverting my eyes to the ground so I couldn't watch his abs.

"No, but I could help you look if you want. " he said putting on a shirt. That damn smirk never leaving his face.

I found myself being beyond disappointed that he was putting back on his shirt.

"Okay, thanks. " I said quietly and walked outside with him following close behind.

"What's his name? " he asked when we got out into the hallway.

"Thomas." I said.

"I've never heard that name around here before, or now that I think about it, I've never seen you around here before either. You new to Beacon Hills? " he asked his eyes wondering all over me.

"My friends and I aren't from around here. " I said simply, not wanting to share our business with a stranger.

"What's your name? "

"What's yours? " I shot back.

"Names Raeken, Theo Reaken. " he said, that bloody smirk returned.

"Isaac Newton, but everyone calls me Newt. " I said wanting to smack that damn smirk off his face when it grew wider.

"Newt, huh? Sounds hot. " He said and my heart stopped for a second.

I turned and continued to walk down the halls without another word.

"Come on Theodore, I don't have all day. We aren't gonna find Tommy at this pace." I waved at him to come along.

I could practically feel his eyes burning a hole into the back of my skull and I one hundred percent knew that he had the bloody smirk on his face still.


"Why do you look like you're about to punch a hole into the wall? " Theo asked me, an amused look on his face.

He was indeed right. I was about to go ape shit if I didn't find Tommy or at least know that he was okay.

"I swear when I find him I'll.... I'll.... do something really mean" I said trying to come up with a way to hurt Thomas for having me so worried.

Before I could process what had happened. Theo had me pinned me up against a wall.

"What the fu--" I started but he cut me off.

"I like it when you get angry, it's really cute. " he said , his hot breath tickling my neck making me shudder.

"Get the fuck off me! " I yelled not really wanting him to move.

"That's not a nice word to say angel." he purred in my ears.

God damn, I love this so much.

"M'sorry " I mumbled trying not to moan out loud. He pressed a kiss to my neck and my eyes rolled back into my head.

"What the fuck!? " I heard someone yell. I turned my head too see Minho standing there, his mouth and eyes were open wide in disbelief.

I suddenly found the strength to push Theo off of me and turned to face Minho.

"Minho.... I can.... I was just.." I stood lost for words. I glanced at Theo.

His eyes we're fueled with rage. He was looking straight at Minho

Minho's body shook with anger watching me first then at him.

Before the both of them could kill each other I grabbed Minho's wrist and ran out of the room.

"Newt!" Was the last thing I heard Theo scream before Minho and I disappeared around the corner.


Teresa's pov

Since everyone was either looking for Thomas or Newt I thought this would be a good time to contact him.

*telepathic conversation *

Teresa: " Janson... Janson can you hear me? "

Janson : " Yes, Teresa do you have any info on the assets? "

Teresa : "Yeah I do. Thomas found his family, I suspect that you did know that. "

Janson :" No actually, I didn't. Is that all? "

Teresa: "For now."

Janson :" Gather more information on the assets and before you ask, yes the deal is still on. "

Teresa: " Good. Talk soon. "

*end of telepathic conversation *


Heyyy y'all!!!

Yas, we're alive! And we would like to apologize for how long we took for this update!!!

What do y'all think bout this chapter?

Theo+Newt= Thewt.❤

Damn this book is getting dramatic? Idek.

Gif: awwww 😍

Anyway like/vote / comment

Until next time ❤

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