Chapter 4 - Family Renunion

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Stiles' POV

(In the locker rooms. The night of the big game.)

"I have a feeling something strange is going to happen." I said to Scott who is getting ready for the big game.

"Like what?" He replied as he  bent over to grab his shoes.

"Lately I've been having memories from when I was a kid. " I said letting go a sad chuckle.

"Like what? " he asked confused.

"My mom, my dad.... Scott there's something I need to tell you."

I said wondering if I should tell him about Thomas, ever since I sensed his presence I was overjoyed because I haven't seen my brother in so long and just the thought of having him back with me makes me wanna scream like a banshee.

"Wha-" he was about to say when coach burst in and cut him off.

"Stilinski, McCall, get on the damn field right now! " coach yelled.

"Duty calls. I'll tell you later. " I told Scott as we walked out the door.


(Telepathic conversation between Stiles and Thomas earlier that day.)

Thomas: "Stiles?"

Thomas: "Stiles can you hear me?"

Stiles: "Who is this?"

Thomas: "Its Thomas you shank ,who else can talk to you telepathically?"

Stiles:"Thomas.... Thomas who? "

Thomas: "Thomas the choo choo train... who do you think dumbass? "

Stiles: "Oh my God, Thomas you're alive? I knew I felt your presence,it's been a while brother."

Thomas: "It's been like eight years, I started to remember you the minute your voice rang into my skull."

Stiles: " That shit hurts like hell, anyway, dad and I have really missed you."

Thomas: "I've missed you guys a lot, can't wait for us to meet so I could give you the crazy story of my life."

Stiles: "Same here, a lot has happened since you left. Beacon Hills got crazier than how it used to be."

Stiles:"Hey! I just remembered that I have a lacrosse game tomorrow night. You should come"

Thomas:"What's lacrosse? but I'll be there anyway, and I have a few friends to bring with me, you'll love them."

Stiles: "Its a date! "

Thomas: (sniffling)


Thomas: (crying) "These few years have been fucked up man, The maze, The scorch, W.I.C.K.E.D.... everything just been so hard. "

Stiles: "Everything's gonna be okay bro, don't sweat it. I'll see you you tomorrow okay? "

Thomas: (smiling, drying tears.) "okay."

(End if telepathic conversation)


Thomas' POV

After I was done talking to Stiles I started to feel the side effects of telepathy and I got a massive headache. I lay on my bed and groaned so loud that I hadn't even heard who came in.

"Tommy, are you okay? "  Newt asked and came right beside me.

My eyes slowly opened as the headache went down and I struggled to respond.

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