Chapter 6 - Normal

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Thomas Pov

"Oh shit!" I yelled, making dad and Stiles jump in surprise.

"What's wrong? " dad asked worriedly.

"I forgot about my friends, they're probably looking for me" I said.

"You have friends? " Stiles asked genuinely shocked. Asshole.

"The ones that I met in the Maze. They're like my second family, I'm sure you guys will like them." I said honestly.

"We'll help you look for them but promise me to explain all that happened in the Maze when we do." dad said hopefully resting a warm hand on my shoulder giving me a reassuring smile. I nodded but as we turned to walk I heard someone call my name.

"There you are shuckface!" Said who could only be Minho followed by a very flustered and pissed off looking Newt.

"Hey, Minho we were now about to come find you guys" I said giving him a fist bump which he returned.

"What's wrong with Newt?" I whispered starting to get worried.
Something flshed in his eyes, I couldn't tell what it was but it's not good.

"Tell you later" was all he whispered back so I decided to change the subject.

"Dad, Stiles, this is Minho and Newt. Two of my best friends from the Maze." I said introducing them to each other.

Then Minho said the dumbest thing possible.

"Damn, your twin brother looks just like you Thomas. You must be identical. " he said looking at Stiles with a smirk.

Dad laughed, I hung my head low in disappointment, Newt punched him and Stiles looked dumbfounded as if he was searching for a witty remark but none came.

"No shit." Stiles said, eyeing Minho approvingly.

"Both of us are gonna get along pretty well." Minho said happily.

May God help us all. I thought to myself.

"Where are Teresa, Frypan and Gally" I asked suddenly remembering them.

"We left them to come find you, poor shanks are probably lost as hell" this coming from Newt who still looked uneasy.

"What's a shank?" Stiles asked looking interested.

"It's slang that we used in the Glade, you wouldn't understand." Minho said shrugging carelessly.

"Glade?" Dad said looking very confused.

"We'll explain everything when everyone's gathered and we get home" I said reassuringly.

"Home? Where do you guys live? " dad asked curiously.

"In our old house, the one we had before we moved" I said, a memory popping out about our big move to a new house when Stiles and I we're kids.

"Well let's go, we'll find your friends on the way out" he said and all of us walked towards the front of the school.

Halfway towards the front of the school we saw Teresa, Gally and Frypan standing around a tall, metal box full of what looked like packaged food.

"What the bloody hell is that thing? " Newt asked as we approached the others. We were all fascinated by this strange object that the others didn't even ask us where we'd been.

"It's a vending machine. " Dad said amusingly. Stiles looked at us like we were aliens from another world.

We stood there for ten minutes examining this so called 'vending machine' and dad showed us how it worked.

"Damn we really could have used one of these in the Glade." Frypan said, eyeing it as if he wanted to steal it. We all hummed in agreement.

Stiles and dad were introduced to the rest of gladers and we were back to getting home.

We made it out of the school and was already in Rose driving to our destination. It was a tight squeeze because of Dad and Stiles but everyone still fit.

Dad talked about getting everyone into Beacon Hills High so we could finally feel like normal teens again. I was very excited to join my brother into the fucked up world of high school. The gladers would meet his freinds and we would do normal teenager stuff.

Never would I though that the word 'normal' would be part of my life again and it made me feel more exited and safe than I've ever felt in a long time.


But happiness and safety would soon run out for Thomas, Stiles and their friends because no matter what, their lives weren't normal and life has a funny way of showing them that.


This book hasn't been updated in 1000000000 years and we apologize. So please enjoy this chapter .

This is getting dramatic.😂

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Until next time. ✌♡

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