Chapter Two

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**They walk back in room**

"We have to go ladies sorry to leave you so soon ,but we are going to see if we can take you
guys on tour with us!", The boy said to us.

"Omg that would mean the world to us!", We all began to scream.

Keisha handed us the papers.

"You will need this to go and have fun at the concert", she said to us.

"thankyou", me and my girls replied back.


Prince hugs Alexis

Roc hugs Kenyatta

Ray hugs Kailyn

Prodigy hugs all of them

**they leave to go get there front row seats**



Prince:Hey beautiful

Alexis:Hey prince💕😍


Alexis:nun just chillin with my big sister Nola and with Kailyn and Kenyatta wbu

Prince:kool nun chillin with da bros roc ray and prod

Alexis:tell dem I said Hai

Prince:ok they said hai

Alexis:so what are you going to do today

Prince:can't tell you


Prince:it's a secret

Alexis:just tell me plz

Prince:Ok Im planning on having a big date with Kailyn ray,me you,roc and Kenyatta


Prince:but u can't tell dem

Alexis:Ok I wont😶😑

Prince:lmao don't so did u tell your parents bout the tour

Alexis:well I'm parents are out of town on this longggg trip and I'm staying with my sister and she
said she just needa meet Keisha than I'm good to go

Prince:oh ok where did your parents go

Alexis: to dis trip to Europe,Latin America,Bahamas,Mexico,and Canada

Prince:when will they be back

Alexis:October 2nd at mid night on my birthday g2g bye

Prince:Bye lexis✌

Later on that day

Text message with Alexis

Prince:Hello alexis(lexis)


Prince:I have to ask you sumthin


Prince:Are you single

Alexis:yes but it's a lot of ppl who keep askin me out but they ugly

Prince:LMAO😂Would you take the honor and be my girlfriend

Alexis:Yes🎉I would love to

Prince: I guess it's official baee

Alexis:yea it is boo I'm trying to get my outfit ready for dinner so I will text ya later Luv ya

Prince:ok Luv ya too💖😍

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