Im srry im not ready

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Kailyn "I wonder how I'm going to tell rag over text,call,keek,Kik,,path,or don't?"
After 13 mins I decided to text him on Kik and tell him.

*Text messages*



Kailyn:I have something I should of told you


Kailyn:I'm not ready to start a relationship with you

Ray:oh,I really did love you😔😢 guess this is bye


*Text messages ends*

Princeton Pov.

Today Ray has been upset and crying.When me or roc bring up "Kailyn" that's when the crying gets worse!!😱Im going to text Alexis to see what happened to ray.Poor little Ray Ray(2 Braidsssss) lmao!! I hope he gets better!

Ray ray Pov.

Kailyn really did break my heart😢! I thought I was READY FOR LOVE!💔 Im really depressed!I I will never fall in love again!Im going to stay in my room and cry my eyes out!Im going to do this until we leave for Europe in 2 days!

Kailyn Texts diggy

*conversation on Kik*

Diggy:Hey,Kay did you decide yet?

Kailyn:hai,and yes I did!Im going to go out with you I told ray that I'm not ready to start a relation ship with him and now he won't speak to me!!😢😢

Diggy:YEAA😊💕 and Imma talk to him about that

Kailyn:Diggy don't!!!!😔its going to start a big mess

Diggy:Ok but I will have to tell him sooner or later

Kailyn:Well I have to go pack for Europe byeeee✌

Diggy:OMG!You going to Europe to Yesssss!!!😊😊👌We going to have fun and byeeee✌👌

*End of Kik*

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