Natural Disaster!

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Prince runs after Alexis!Ray,Prod,Kailyn,Kenyatta,and roc all said nice going Princeton!

Kenyatta: Kailyn we need to run after her to see if she's ok cuz she is are big sis

Kailyn:Yea,we need to calm her down cuz if we don't Princeton and her aren't going to last if we don't

Kailyn and Kenyatta runs to find Alexis!

Alexis Pov.
(Says this out loud to her self)

I should of known better than to date a celebrity!What was I thinking???im so slow why why!!!!Princeton doesn't care for me,half of the people at school don't care for me, and I'm already a natural disaster! I'm just so............


Alexis:yes I am if I wasn't a natural disaster why don't you care for me😕😔😭

Princeton:I do but oh just can't let lil things my fans say to you hurt you because most of them say mean things to roc,me,prod,and ray.

(kailyn&kenyatta walks in)

Kailyn:Alexis we known each other since 6th grade we are now in 12th!i care for you and I always will I love you!

Alexis:Awwwe I love you too

Kenyatta:Alexis remember that time we started 6th grade at a charter school.When we met we didn't like each other and use to always argue but look at us now!we have grown you are my big sis I love you to death some days I feel like I'm going to fail a test and you always cheer me up and have faith in me and now I have faith in you!

Alexis:Awwe I love u toooo Yatta

Princeton:(checks phone)roc said that the food is ready and it's to go so he's talking it to the car

Alexis:I'm not only crying because of that


Alexis:my grandma birthday is today and its been 7 years since she died and my sister just texted me and told me today was her birthday😭😭

Princeton:Bae it's ok when we get home we all going to have a meeting for you can see you are not alone and we are here with you

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