Chapter 6 (part 2)

153 13 2

T. Pierce


"Bri!!" I yelled again.

"What bitch, can't you see im,
sleepin damn...loud ass."

"Well, someone's grumpy."

"Girl if you dont getcho...."

"Anyway, guess who I saw at the club last night....."



"Girl, I dont know...August Alsina?"

"No hoe, Chris Brown" I replied happily bouncing up and down on her soft king sized bed.

"Stop lying"she said sitting up straight.

"I'm dead ass."

"Omg, bruh and when the hell was you gon tell me nigga? Did you see Kid Red fine ass? Oh my gosh, I love him and his red hair."

"Well maybe if yo short ass wasn't drunk as fuck, you would've saw for yourself."

"Girl I am not short, im just heightly challenged."she said standing up and rubbing her 5'2(I'm this tall fr yall😄) figure on the way to her connected bathroom.

"Heightly challenged?? Is that even a thing?"

"Yepp it is." she replied while brushing her teeth.

"This girl."shake my head.

"So did you talk to him or something?"

"Girl no, I saw him looking down at some girl, then he sent his bodyguard to bring her up to him and I didnt see him again after that, maybe they went and got it in"

"Aww im sorry bae, did you get a lil jelly?"she asked smiling.

"Hahaha you're hilarious." I replied sarcastically, "He probably dosent even know that I exist."

"Well maybe, you could get lucky and he would notice you tonight."

"What are you talking about Bri?"

"Im talking about us going back to the club tonight. But this time, you'll get noticed."

"Oh my gosh, does this mean a makeover?"

"Maybe, maybe not."she said smiling hard.

So how was you guys week??
Mine consisted of this:

☆Watching the Welcome To My Life trailer 5 times
☆Throwing shade at a journalist on Twitter
☆Doing school work
☆Relationship problems
....and otjer stuff but nevermind that😊

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