i hAs bEen taggEd

22 1 5





1. I have a weird obsession with gum. There is always gum around me and I've had a chewed-up gym collection since I was 8.... Oh no

2. I HAVE ACTUAL MENTAL PROBLEMS :D. I forget what the doctor said my condition was it was like DKWNFKWNFKENFW something with a long name. It's not anything severe, but I DO have issues, so now I have an excuse :D

3. I'm extremely jealous of this girl at our school. My girlfriend always gives her attention and I'm just there like "PLS INCLUDE ME." People think I don't pay any attention to them and that's because I'm trying to get other people to pay attention to me. Oh wait; I'm an attention whore OOPS

4. I LOOOOOVE sour things. I can't stand anything MILDLY spicy, but I LOVE sour. I don't know why but I'm just sitting here eating lemons and not flinching while everyone I've gotten to eat one goes "OHMERGERRD ITS TOO SOUR I CAAAANT *spits out lemon*"

5. I have an unhealthy obsession with HuniePop and HunieCam Studio. *becomes weeaboo*

6. Every old person I meet says something like "OH I LOVE YOUR HAIR PLS TRADE ME" and I'm like "OKAY HERE TAKE IT I DONT WANT IT"

7. I SUUUUCK at writing actual stories so I just write random shit like this

8. I like The Voice. I've been watching it since the first season when Ceelo Green... Or was it Cee Lo Green.... I DONT REMEMBER BUT THAT BLACK GUY WAS ON THE SHOW

9. Tbh everyone hates me but they're nice to me. I'm serious almost everyone I know has been a BITCH to me this week and I get it everyone has things going on in their lives but PLS DONT TAKE IT OUT ON ME. And I'm not applying this on you, Rin. I kno ur reading this. This isn't you. It's JUST ALMOST EVERYONE ELSE.

10. I'm like the saddest looking human being on the planet. Not sad as in emotionally, but as in..... Pathetically. I'm pretty pathetic-looking. I have a huge poof for hair. So much that I look like a redheaded Ray Toro. And I have eyes that are really close together. And a pointy chin with a weird line on it. I'm pretty disgusting.

11. Nobody probably cares about this shit but it's cool because THIS IS COMPLETELY SELF-INDULGENT :D

12. I admire a lot of writers on wattpad but I'm too scared and awkward to somehow interact with them... Whyyyy

13. I have a flat ass




Song of the Day is Lying Is The Most Fun A Girl Can Have Without Taking Her Clothes Off by Panic! At The Disco

Yup.  Long song titles.

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