1: Unconscious

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Rain. Dripping against the 'new born' human.
The smell of wood was lingering among his surroundings.

The teenager shifted and groaned, wanting to escape his current nightmare.
And finally, his eyes opened, filled with horror.

The blonde slowly scanned his hands and surroundings.
"... I'm pathetic..." He sighed as he tried to walk towards a familiar place.


The male brunette exhaled.

Bored. He thought.

His sister was running around, excited for the upcoming party next week. Then he started complaining.

"I can't believe Grunkle Stan just called when we just returned eight years since the last time we visited, and said we would work no matter what."

The man near the vending machine chuckled and said, "Sorry Dipper dude, but, he is the original boss."

Dipper sighed. "Its alright, Soos. I'm heading upstairs if you don't mind."

"Sure, dog!" Soos winked making the other hint a faint smile.

"Well I guess I better sleep too!" The female brunette grinned as she followed her brother upstairs.

The now Mystery Shack owner smiled.

He has been with those kids ever since. If it hadn't been for them, he wouldn't have achieved his dream.

The door bell rang interrupting his current thoughts as he cleared his throat and did his routine.

"Hello! Welcome to the Mystery Shack! What can I get y-" He paused as he saw the naked blonde man, shivering before him.

The man fainted unconscious before his feet. Soos helped him up to the couch and dressed him up. He grabbed a nearby question mark shirt that was twice the blonde's size, but it was enough to cover his nakedness up.

He was about to put it on him when he noticed a marking on his back. Soos blinked. "Heh. A rad triangle tattoo.... A RAD TRIANGLE TATTOO?!" He quickly dressed him up and hurried upstairs "DUDES! DUUDES!!"

A/N: Sorry this is a little short and no chip and dips whatsoever but I'll try to update more with it soon! :D

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