A Lead?

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Months. It has been endless months as Tad tries to figure out how to suck eternal energy yet again.

"Hey uh.." A familiar voice sounded through the creak of the stairs as Bill went down to talk to him.

"Yes?" He responded in a blunt manner. He's not really in a mood for any of his cousin's nonsense.

"I've been thinking..." The blonde said as he sat down next to him.

"Wow it took you months to think of something. I'm-I'm very impressed-"

Bill gritted his teeth and crosses his arms. "Hey would you cut the crappy sarcasm and listen to me for once?!"

"Yes, yes go on." Tad continued, not even looking at him.

"Do you.. REALLY want to turn back into a human?"

The former square demon flinched. He gave his time to think of a way to solve their problem yet he didn't make time for his own needs and wants.

"That's.. A very interesting question you've got there." He looked away, clearly informing Bill something was up.

The former isosceles chuckled. "While I may be fond of Pine Tree, I know you're fond of Shooting Star." He said, winking.

"Oh stop." Tad scoffed, rolling his eyes.

Bill laughed for a while and continued. "Okay, but here's another thought which got stuck in my human head. You said we'll reclaim our powers through strong emotions right?"

"That's affirmative."

"And I need an immortal partner to gain it back forever?"

"Yes-" Tad paused and looked over to his cousin. "Yeah. You're absolutely right."

"Wha- HEY!"

No way. Bill thought in fear as he was pinned down. No way am I gonna lose to this four-squared moron.

Tad grinned manically. "I'll admit I was a bit jealous of others when they're around you. Its more of hate, really. I want you to hate me Cipher."

The blonde replied, unfazed, "Well its working alright. But here's what you don't understand. I don't like you like that. Even if its in a 'hate-sense'. You're just probably in the heat or something. Seeing the way you're acting now and all."

The former square narrowed his eyes. What the hell is he implying?

"-And don't you think you're going to hurt Shooting Stars' feelings if you continue on with me?"

Tad gasped. He's right. Yet again.

"Damn it Cipher." He growled, shoving him away.

Bill snickered as he sat up. "Though I was a little off guard when you pinned me down like that. Who knew you had a thing for me before~"

The other demon scoffed. "And here I thought you know everything."

The blonde grinned. "And yet I do!"

Tad sighed. "Do YOU want to be a demon again?"

Bill ignored him as he focused on his 'new-found' fire powers. "Not really, no. Although I do want my powers back."

His cousin blinked of a sudden weird yet crazy idea in order to get their powers back.

"I think I may have a lead, old friend."




Hope you enjoy this little Bill/Tad bonding time XP (I ship them now holy carp 0 .0)

I'll try to update soon! Thank you for 500 HUNDERED FUCKING READS HOLY SH- (flips table) 

BillDip: Powers *FLUFF*जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें