6: Strange

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In dimension 1B70~X..

"Y-you called? C-c-cousin?"

He darted his eyes to the other, sighing.

"Yes. We have to save him.." He replied bluntly.

The other gulped.
"A-are you sure with your decision?"

"I guess this might be the only way..."


The young man woke up in the middle of the woods. Groaning as he stood up with wobbly legs. He held a bark of a tree to support himself from walking. Still not used to this new form of his. He then checked his surroundings for any humans. The man saw a lady and decided to tap her shoulder, clearing his throat as he did so.

"Ehem. Uh. Would you kindly specify the exact locations of the 'Mystery Shack'?" He asked with a smile.

The lady turned around, screeched and ran away as he saw the man naked.
He put his hands on his hips. Confused on how this body reacts from reactions.

"Hmm.. How odd. Do all humans need fabrics to cover themselves from embarrassment. Hm hm hm. I don't see why not."

He decided to walk towards a tent-like house, hoping to find clothes without scaring anybody.
He heard pitter patter of water beside a window. Next to the window is a pile of clothes. He quickly lowered himself as he heard a tune.

"Lil ol' me, that's right! Lil ol' me!" The voice squeaked.

The young man decided to snatch away the clothes and ran towards the other end of the forest hearing, "Where the hell did my clothes go?!" He quietly snickered at this.

He tried all his best to put the small-sized clothes on. At least it covered some of his nakedness. And, no matter. He luckily stumbled upon his target destination.


"Maaaan!" Bill yelled at the boiler. He wanted to try more hot chocolate.

Dipper face palmed.
"Bob. You can't force machines to just cook faster in their own."

Bill growled at this. Dipper had to lie about Bill since he knows Ford will freak out. He made a decision to call Bill 'Bob' as a cover up name. He can't even call Dipper 'Pine Tree' anymore.

The blonde flung his hands around in defeat and annoyance. "Oh- Sooooorryyyy! Maybe I'm just a bit- impatieeeennnt. I'll just go eat my breeaakfaaast." He whined as he sat down.

Ford grimaced. "Er. Dipper.. Is he always this way? I mean, I can't just keep up with his odd attitude." He whispered. Clearly disgusted as Bill picked his nose and tried to eat it. Luckily Mabel swatted his hand away.

"Um. H-he's just really, y'know, heheh.. Um..." Dipper paused as he looked for the right word.

"Hormones?" He answered, mentally slapping himself.

Ford gave him a shocked look. He laughed as he ruffled Dipper's hair. "Sure, sure." He smiled. The brunette chuckled nervously.

Bill sneaked as he went to the boiler, barely heated. He growled as he slapped it.
"If I only have my powers..." He mumbled as he opened and closed his hand, attempting to create the blue fire he once had. He almost flipped. He saw, FIRE! His powers are back?!
He ran to the living room attempting to lift the axolotl from its tank with magic.

Well that didn't work.

He gave an angry look at the axolotl who is bobbing its head up and down most likely indicating that its laughing.

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