Feelings Never to be Stated

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You were always shallow
But I was still there by your side.
Living by the shadows
Despite knowing I can never hide.

Being by myself felt empty,
So I decided to love you to fill me.
I may have been successful,
But I dont know since I'm very doubtful.

Will you really be there to fill the spaces on my bed
Just like you've always said?
Will you still stick with me
Even though it's all slippery?

Will you never really be away from my grasp
And you'll fill me with your love?
Will you accept my overreacting gasps
And stay by my side whenever I'd act tough?

Too many questions in mind,
I know they'd never be answered.
We always joked around
And you were never even serious with anything you said.

I still chose to believe you,
To stay in this beautiful nightmare.
I know I'd never leave your side
But I guess these feelings are things I will never share.

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