Chapter Nine-Jerusalem's Lot-September, 2013

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And the dead walked into the ancient, bloody cemetery at Jerusalem's Lot, and they thrived on the human flesh of the living.


Kal stared at the tombs.

"Want to have sex in there? Oh, come on. We can Instagram it".

"No!", Shelby blushed, and kicked him in the balls.


"Come on, Jon. The Marsten House is waiting".

"If you use that Vincent Price voice again, I'll bash your head in...and bury you in that house". Rod threatened.

And Jon gave up trying to be funny...because he didn't want to die.


Shelby removed her bra. She was about to make love when the corpses of the dead rose up...and took her.


"Shelby? Come out! I got some...Hey, who are you?".

And a dark shadow of a pale man smiled.

"Late at night, isn't it".

"Hey, where's my girl?".

"Your girl...She's dead".

"What do you mean she's dead?".

"She came to me...Apparently today's youth are insular. Self-absorbed in crappy reality television. Vacuous dribble about romance, races around the World, and Islands of shit. Yes, we're old; we're very old.

"I feel that this cancer on society must be extracted. And I do mean extracted". And the Master bared his sharp fangs...and ripped into his neck.


Kal was about to groan again when he saw The Master.

And he screamed, as his head was cut with its raking, sharp, clawed fingers...and it bit him in the neck, as more blood gushed.


Jon walked to the Marsten House.

It invited him inside.

And, when the gothic double doors slammed, he screamed.


Rod ran to his friend's aid.

He stopped in his tracks.

He saw the body of Anne Norton coming towards him.

And, before he could flee, her sharp fangs bit into his neck.

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