Chap 1(unu)

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Hi, my name is Elizabeth, I think, and I am about 17.

All I can remember, all the memories from a young age are summed in a few images.

 The memory of a battle, and a distroied city, and a familiar looking men screaming, demanding me to run and hide. "Run and hide, my little Liz" are the only words I can remember, then the name of a pack "Moonlight" and then my first and very painfull turning into a wolf, and it still is the memory that is haunting me every night. It wasn't meant to happen, my turning, I mean. I was only eight. The normal age is 14, but because of the fear that occured me when I felt that someone was chasing me, it happened much to earlier, and it wasn't a normal one. My wolf was small, a little bigger than a puppy, the pain I felled was huge and I had absolutly no control over my wolf. After the turning, I run and run, until I fall in the darkness. Then, I remember that I woke up in a orphanage, in the human world.

The orphanage was a cozy-looking building, with many nice people who would always try being your family, who would never judge you and who would make you feel loved. Note the sarcasm. I woke up in a white room, with two small beds that had old iron-frames and plain sheets. The walls were simple, white-washed. Knowing that even the small drower in the corner, it is surprising that the chair and table that were against the walls were ... white. Please, note the sarcasm.  Back to the story, I woke up in that room, and my first instinct was to get out, to escape even if it would cost me my live. After all that happened, being caught was the worse thing I could think about. I remember looking around for a door, a window, anything. I found both a small window blocked with iron fences and a locked door with a high and round locker. It was as clear as the day that it was built like that for keeping  me in . A few minutes or maybe hours later someone entered, and told me I was in an orphanage. She, because the one that entered was a nurse, told me that someone found me at the border of a forest and brought me here, then she asked me if I knew what happened and why I was alone . Me, being a fool, told her everything, from how I woke up in the morning to the turning, because I belived that she was going to help me. She then looked at me with an expresion I couldn't understand, like she was debating if I was stupid, insane or lieing . Then I realised I had to get away and that if I kept it this way, I was going to be anyway bot not fine.

When she draged me to a doctor, I approved everything he said, from the part when I was in shock to the part where the werewolves were simple wolves that atacked my family, all the time thinking how could I eascape, and where could I go if I managed to do so .   

I tried to survive there, to act normal, to be a human, and when I couldn't stand that word, I throught how they were about to trow me away and lock me in a hospital for people with mental ailments. Those were the moments whenI stopped, I talked only when I really needed to and I tried to forgot everything, I tried to adapt and survive.

I was very lucky, to be found by William, a werewolf withouth a pack, which I was going to learn that was called a rouge, only a month after I was traped in that place I still think was worse than the hell . He helped me escape that place, at the age of eight, in an afternoon when they let us to play in the backyard and let me stay with him, in his house, in the middle of nowhere. It was a small house, in a very isolated area, but I didn't mind it. At that time, hearing about the human world was like hering about a prison, a cage, a tower and me beeing the one that was requiered to live in there. I only leaved the house if it was really necesary, and William which I was going to call simply Will later was almost always by my side, never letting me alone.

A few years passed, years in which the only things I know about my past were that i carried a teddy bear with me when Will found me and that I had no clue about who I was before, other than the memory of the attack and the name I was called then, Liz, which William asurred me that was a nickname from Elizabeth. In those years, William though me about werewolf, about packs and we lived in the forest. When I turned 14, my only clue was my turning, one I didn't expected, due to the fact that I didn't know my birthday, a turning far less paintfull than my first, but the only one I remember proprely . My wolf was big and black, demanding power, with silver eyes and almost sure one made for an Alpha. A very unfitting wolf for me, If you ask .

My wolf was big, I was pretty short.

My wolf has black fur, my hair was brown and extremy long, reaching my knees.

My wolf has bright silver eyes, mine were black and held no shine.

And the list can go on like this for how long you want it.

Another thing that I was used to, with my isolate live, was that, once in a while, a wolf, one from a pack or a rouge woud get lost or be injured near the forest . I, along with Will, helped all of them, and from when I was 14 I was left in the charge of this job.

It was a beautiful summer day, when Will came home from one of his very infrequent walks in the world . He came and didn't bothered to knock to the door, so I hit him with a pan, thinking he was someone who wanted to hurt me.

This won me a funny image of him on the floor, rubbing his head, but when he saw me, his face showed both happines and saddnes.

He explained me, than, that he found his mate, and that she was a member of a pack. He tryed to take me with him, when he moved with her, but the Alpha hardly accepted him, and I hadn't had the heart to make him stay. That was the day when I was left alone again. Will was nice enought to let me use his house, and to visit me once in a month, but it was the most he managed to do for me.

Till then, I was the one that made the trips in the human world, the one who took care of this house and of the injured ones that were lucky enought to find their way here.  That is how I won the name of Imperial Luna. I was also named the Luna of the Woods, or the Supreme Luna, due to the fact that the real Imperial Luna hadn't been found, and that I took care of everyone, not looking at their statute in the pack or bloodline.

Many stories I heard about me over the time, some real and some not, but since the first few ones I took care of alone, the ones who wondered in this part of the woods looked at me like I was The Moon Goodness herself and always named me a Luna.

I, on the other side, tried not to speak with them to much, and I also was happier if they didn't saw me, but there were some times it was imposibile not to talk with them.

Since 14, my only stabile company was my wolf, and I spent almost all my time in the library, studying what I was supposed to learn in school and reading, or walking in the forest and gardening.

This is still how my live goes on in this moment, but I am greeted with the company of a cat I named Rose, who was brought to me by William in one of his even rarely and shorter visits...

Queen of the werewolvesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora