Chap 2(doi)

26 3 0

Today was one of those boring days, when even the blue of the sky was untained by clouds, but I liked it that way . It seemed to give me that sentiment of safety, of normality that I did everything for daily .

I woke up with the sun smiling at me trought the window of my room. Because the blanket i had over me was so fluffy and I had no reason to wake up soon, I raised my middle finger to the window groaning and covered my head with a pillow .

That is before I felt two little paws on my face, and a soft meow that melt my heart . I sighed and took Rose in my hands, cuddeling her to me . I then rose up and put her down softly, while I went to the kitchen to give her some milk .

 While she ate her breakfast, I quickly went upstairs and did my buisniess in the bathroom. I then went to my drawer and roomaged trought it, untill I found a white sundress that I paired with a green jacket .

I went downstairs and started making myself breakfast . I cut some bread and put it in the toaster. Given that i was in the middle of nowhere, any electrical device in the house was powered by a generator, that produced energy with the help of the river that was near the house, but i did not mind it, because I did not need much energy and it did not need me to look over and make sure it worked. It did his job without any human aid, and that was more that enough for me .I went to the paintry and took a jar of bluberry jam and spred it on the toast over some melted butter . I poured a glass of orange juice and after i ate and cleaned up, I took a pair of converse and went in the garden, Rose following me and my long hair flowing on my back, tickling my side a little .

Once in the garden, I looked at the rows of medicinal plants, vegetables and beautiful roses that blended together . I knew the ese of each and every one here, and they helped me amd the unlucky ones that wondered on here a lot , so I started gardening and picking up some vegetables for lunch and diner . Then I went to the small barn and feed the few hens and ducks I had .

It was not till I finished my job that I heard a howl, far in the forest . A werewolf, I told myself, as I started to walk in that diretion, carefull to lock Rose in the house and to make sure I alked against the wind, so my scent would not be picked up and I would not end up in trouble .

I followe the noise, than the scent that let me know I was right . It did not smell like a rouge, thought, and that was unusual, but not strange . The rouges were the ones that I mostly helped, but a pack member was not something that I have never meet before .  

"You shoud still be carefull "said my wolf . She did not like to show up often , but when she did, I was happy I had someone to talk to .

"I will be . Do not worry"

I walked further in to the woods . The scent growing stronger and the noise of a hurt wolf beeing the only thing you coud hear . I went forword untill I was at the edge of a clearing , on the side of the small river, right where it formed a small fall . There , I saw a brown and White wolf, blood soaking his fur. He looked at me for a second, then his face went numb and he fell, the pain clearly taking a tool on him .

I went to him, then I picked him up and cariied him to my house . There, I carried him in the infirmery, put him on the leather covered table and started looking at his wounds . I took his smell in again , the smell beeing starngely familiar, while i cleaned his fur with a wet towel . There , on his side, was a big bite.

"It looks nasty, but not bad enought to faint . " my wolf, Lilly, said

" I know. But this is not a regular wolf. He seems to be a tracker, and you know that they are not fighters . They run, strenght is not their biggest quality . And this one seems to have lost much blood . I touched his side, a string of pain making me curse .  "

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