Chap 4(patru)

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"He seems like a good person" I thought. It was a strange tought, but I was sure of it . Simon inspired my trust and a strange sense of familiarity . It was not such a strange tought, given the fact that I was in the place where all the great ideas came to all people, the bath tube.

It has been a full day, for me I mean . I do not think that I have talked so much in weeks, and the presence of someone was overwelming . This and the fact that something seemed off about my hostage . Not the wrong off, but still off . This is why I chosed to take a warm bath, that kind of rose petal relaxing bath, but withouth the candles. I did not like them . I feel like they were going to burn down anything near them, so they were a big no for me .

After a few minutes, I got  aut of the tube, tying a towel on my body and another one on my hair. I looked in the mirror on the wall, at the scars going down my back . One of them stood up, I knew it even before it took the towell a little of to reveal it . The sign of my former pack, now more of a scar then the black tattoo it used to be. It was a remainder that will forever be on my spine, under the back of my neck, the sign of rouge .

It made my heart hurt, so I lifted the towell, thinking that I was kind of lucky that my hair usually covered it and the other scars.

I then brushed my theets, brushed my still wet hair and covered it with a dry towell, and put my nightgrown on . It was one of those evenings when I coud not sleep, so I got out and stargazed.

People turn into stars when they die, some people say . But I do not belive them, because I know the truth . People do not turn into burning gas. This is stupid . No, people turn into angels when they die . Yes, this has to be the truth .

I stood there for a little more, thinking about the Universe and other shit, having no intention of going inside, this untill Rose came to the door meowing .

"Kitty" I said, going to let her out  .

"Hi, cute thing" I tried to pet her, but she hissed. What a strange animal. I shruged it off, going back on the grass. But she started to make noise again, this time louder

"What is wrong, kitten?" She then came, circled my legs and went in the house. I followed her confused, untill I heard the whimpers and the pleads coming from the infirmery. I sprinted there, and banged the door on the wall from the force I used to open it .

There, in the cell, was Simon, crawling at the sheets.

He was still sleeping .

 He looked in pain. In very much pain . Horrified, even . Scared. 

"No" I whispered softly. It looked like he had a nightmare. A bad one . Like mine . Poor guy.

I entered the cage, trying to wake him up softly . His shirt and swwetpants were covered in sweet. As was his hair .

"Hey, wake up" I whispered, shaking him . It did not work . So I said it louder, and louder, untill it paid off.

He jumped up, his face twisting in pain because of his injuries. His eyes held something that I never wanted to see . Pain .

"It was only a dream . You are safe now. I am here" I said when I saw that he was looking franaticaly in the cage .   

"Where am I?" he said, and I coud of swore his eyes got glassy.

"You were hurt by the rouges. I took you in and took care of your wound . Do not you remember ?" I whispered softly. Then recognition flared in his eyes.

"Luna? Sorry, I... I do not know what happened . Sorry for waking you up ."

"No need to be sorry . I was not sleeping anyway" I tried to assure him, but he was still shaken up from the dream

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