Chap 5(cinci)

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King POV

It has been four hours since I sent the first searching party .

When my friend Simon mindlinked me I had not been worried . These kind of atacks have been happening a lor more frequently than I would of liked for the past month, so it was not unusuall for him to chase those rouges out .

But when the hours went and he was not back, I tryed to reach him trough our pack bond .

When I was meet with silence, I knew that something was off .

Now here I was, waiting for any news I coud get . 

"And what if they come back empty handed?" My wolf asked.

"Then I will go seek for my friend"

Friends. I did not have many .

Beeing the most powerful of the Alphas, their leader, their King did not let me place to befriend too many of my kind .

But, in this pack house the size of a mason, I had a few people that were always here for me .

Savannah and her mate Simon, my first tracker . Alec, my Beta and Levi, my third in comand .

I hear a light knock on my office door .

"Come in" My voice was cold and authority was obivious in it . A leader"s voice .

Savannah made her way in, her face showing worry . My face almost softened at the sight.

"Alpha" she greeted , showing submision.

"Sit down"

She did as told and I took my seat behind my desk .

"Do you have any news?"

"No, Savannah . No one mindlinked me yet . If they will not do so for the next hour, then I willl go and help them search. "

"Thank you." She whispered softly .

"No problem ." I said, and she got up and left .

We will find him, I was sure of it. But she was his mate, so she had every right to be worried .

Mate, I tought.

A werewolf can fiind his mate from the day he or she turns 18 . It is a magical conexion, people say, but I do not have how to know. The day I turned 18, I went on a tour of the World. I searched almost everywehere for her, in every pack I ever heard of . 

Yet here I was,  20 and   mateless. There soud be a MTV show about this, where I will go in front of the cameras and tell them how I came to the  conclusion that my mate is human, a rouge or dead .

My heart clinged at the tought, and my wolf howled in pain . No, I was not going to think about it . The Moon Godness was not going to punish me in such a cruell way . There was someone there for me, and I knew it , I feel it .

I only had to wait untill the day when I will get to hold her, to cherish her. She will be beautifull, and kind,

I just had to wait and see, to grab a hold of her, because as soon as I found her, I was not going to let her go . Never, and that is a promise .


The hours went by in a blur . Still no news about Simon.

I decided to mindlink my Beta, who  was off looking for our friend.

"Nothing new" He greeted me, knowing before I even had time to ask what I wanted .

"We even lost track of him . It seems like his scent was sucked up with a giant vacum . Clearly the work of someone above us ." He tryed joking . I was not in the mood for it .

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