Ch 1-Imitation is a Form of Flattery

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Ariana Valance

"Ahh... what a dumb bitch of a Coach Leyers... right, Ari?" Elena asked.

I nodded, without really paying attention. I ws looking and Ashley Thomas, the Queen Bee of Silver Shore. Her gym shorts, thought meant to be knee length reached somewhere slightly under her mid-thighs, not right under her underwear like my friends and I did.

"Len, look at Ashley! I think we are wearing our shorts too short," I wailed.

My statement was greeted by a frenzied reaction. My friends started pulling their shorts to the exact lenth of Ashley’s. Ashley stared at us, then her face broke in to a smile. It was a weird smile. Oh, it must be because she admires us so much!

Everyone gave me that kind of smile. I wonder what it means.

It was finally the end of a typical school day. To look cool, my friends and I always changed into glittering clothes.

I went to the lockers and wore tight blue jeans and a white I ♥ LA sweatshirt. Clairemont, our town was in California so I had been to LA a few times.

I saw that Ashley was looking at me condescendingly so I flashed a smile and said, "Girls! A slumber party, tonight? I am inviting Alex and Nick," I said as we emerged from the changing rooms.

Ashley laughed. It must be because she envies me.

"I will never in hell come to a sleepover party with you," Nick said. Him and his friend Alex stood near us, and they had just heard. I has no intention of having a slumber party, but I had to impress Ashley, or I’ll never be like her.

"Shut up assholes! As if Ari would ever invite you to her party," Marielle said.

"Then explain why she just said that she would?" Alex challenged.

"Oh, shut up, Hale. You’re just jealous you don’t have a girlfriend as cool as me," I flirted, batting my eyelashes.

"I feel lucky," Nick said and he and Alex walked away. Jerks. I never liked them.

Nick Hale

"Bitches," Alex said right away.

"I agree," A voice said. We turned and it was Louisa in her faded uniform.

Unlike some people *cough* Ariana *cough* our group of freinds did NOT have so much money we could swim in it. Me and Louisa had both won scolarship’s to Silver Shore (and let me tell you, that is hard since Silver Shore is the best high school is Clairemont). Alex was more on the lucky side; his grand parents were very rich and paying for his education, and Julie, being an only child with devoted parents who were paying for her school was very concious of the value of money.

Not Ariana.

"Hey Lou," Alex said smiling at her.

"Ariana just told me I should buy a new uniform. Huh. I don’t bathe in my money,"Louisa said scathingly. "Anyway, Jules and I are going to McDonalds after school, wanna join?"

"Yeah, sure," I said. "Can we just stop at my place so I can change?"

"Sure think, Nicky," grinned Louisa. "And...ahhhhhhh!" she screamed.

Alex and I rolled around laughing. Julie had snuck up behind Lou while she was talking and scared the shit out of her.

"Not funny, guys!" Louisa scathed. "And you, Jules!" she added, pointing an accusing finger at the latter.

We then were greeted by the sight of Ariana and her friends glamourously made up and swaying their hips far too much so instead of a guy flirting with the, a guy would think they were trying to imitate chickens.

"Oh, Ari, isn’t that the guy who was staring at you in the morning..."

"Oh, Ari, isn’t that the girl that was wearing a dirty uniform..."

"Oh, Ari..."

"Bitches," Lou said through gritted teeth. I don’t think she forgot about the uniform comment.

"Just leave them be," I answered. "They're not worth your trouble and energy."

Lou gave me a grateful smile, and I was glad she had calmed down.


We drove to mine and Lou's house. We lived on the same street. I was the only one of us who had a car, so we went everywhere in it.

Jules and Lou went into Lou's house and Alex and I into mine.

"Oh God, I just remembered that we have Mrs Nuttal in English tomorrow," groaned Alex as we walked up the staircase.

"Yeah, she will probably give us a project," I sighed.

I gave Alex a pair of jeans and I white shirt while I took my black track pants and a red shirt. We grabbed our wallets and left the house. I saw Jules ad Lou leaving their house, Lou locking the door.

That's one of the great things about them. Ariana, Marielle and the rest would have taken hours to change.

Jules was wearing a knee length skirt with a denim jacket while Lou was in ratty jeans and a Hollister tee. They were simple. Unlike Ariana.

Jules climbed in to the front seat with me while Alex and Lou climbed in to the back.

"Alex is depressed because of Mrs Nuttal," I grinned.

"No surprise there," Lou said drily.

"Why did you remind me of her?" Jules hit me on the arm.

"Hey! Jules, it's dangerous to hit guys while they're driving," I reproached.

"You haven't started the car yet," Alex remarked.

I gave him the finger and we drove down my street. There was a McDonalds five minutes away. I parked my Toyota on the street and we entered the McDonald's.

Who to be there, but Ariana, Marielle, Kimberly and Elena?

When Ariana saw me she stuck out her chest, in what she thought must be seductive, and what truly looked like she was trying to hold her breath. She twirled a strand of her dull blonde hair around her finger. It looked far from flirty.

"Get out of my way, Valance," Lou coolly said. 

Ariana moved, coming nearer to me.

"Excuse me, what are you doing?" I rudely said.

"Nothing, sweetheart," she answered. Alex cleared his throat next to me.

"Just because you now you are foreveralone, Ariana, it doesn’t mean you have to flirt with every guy you see," He ironised.

Then I knew he had actually hurt Ariana. Instead of answering with some smart ass comment, her green eyes filled with tears, and she didn’t say anything. Slowly, she turned away and walked to the table where her friend were waiting.

"Ari, what’s wrong?" I heard Kimberly ask in concern.

"Man, that was a bit  harsh," I admitted, turning to Alex.

He shifted his weight from one foot to another, looking a bit - no, a lot - guilty.

"I know... what should I do?"

"You could apologize," Lou suggested.

"No way. I’m not doing anything for Ariana Valance," Alex said and in my hearts of hearts, I agreed.

"Fine. Have it your way," Jules replied with a shrug. 

And we all looked away from Ariana.

Hey guys! Sorry for the short chapter :) Next one will be longer. Dedicated to my sister Sienna @LoveYourLife123 for the awesome side pic and for being awesome! Check out her book. 

Don't judge Ariana too quickly :)

Love you



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