Ch 4-Give Me A Break

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"How was it, working with Valance?" Jules asked, poking my arm teasingly.

"Not too bad, surprisingly," I laughed. 

"Did she try to make a move on you?" Jules winked, straightening her pleated uniform skirt as a teacher passed by, giving her an approving nod.

"No, Jules," I groaned. "I don't like her, she doesn't like me. Kapeesh?"

Jules just shrugged, and tweaked my nose. "Bye. See you at break?"

"Maybe, if Mr Pinto lets us out early," I said. 

"What's this I hear?" A voice asked. It was Mr Pinto, our Chemistry teacher himself. 

"Nothing, sir," I blushed. Jules gave me a smirk and left quickly.

Mr Pinto shrugged and left. 

"Hey, Nick." A deep voice greeted me.

It was Bryce Jayden. Back in middle school, the two of us were best friends. We played football together . But eventually, football didn't interest me any more. It wasn't a passion for me. I was never too good at it anyway and I preferred to read or play video games. Or even spend hours chatting on Internet with my friends. 

Bryce and I kind of went our ways. We talked on Facebook and always waved in the corridors but we had lost the special bond we used to have. I didn't mind, and I don't think he did either.

"Hey Bryce," I replied. "What's up?"

"Busy training for the match next month," Bryce responded with a laugh. "You?"

"Nothing much," I answered. "The usual busy life I lead!"

"Are you trying out for the team this year?" Bryce asked abruptly.

The question took my by surprise. "I don't think so. Why?"

"No reason. I just though you were... quite good when you were playing," He blurted out.

"Thanks...?" This whole thing just confused me. 

"What class do you have?"

"Chemistry. You?" 

"Same," He agreed. "Want to sit together?"

"Um... yes...?"

"Great!" His eyes shone, taking me by surprise.

I was lucky none of my friends had Chemistry with me...

Everyone stared as I took a seat next to Bryce in the back row.

"What you staring at?" Bryce snapped at Tanya Keys who shuddered and looked away. "I don’t appreciate people being rude to my friends."

Tanya shrugged and whispered something to Bridget Johnson next to her who giggled.

For my part, I was kind of surprised that Bryce had called me his friend. In the eighth grade, I would have felt this completely normal... but now, in our junior year, we had kind of gone our ways.

"Ignore them," Bryce said in a low voice. "Tanya’s a bitch."

I truly didn’t care about Tanya so I grabbed my books as the teacher walked in.

"Alright. Today we will be focusing on a project about the lab document that you studied last time." Mr Pinto said, grabbing his lab coat and putting it on.

Please don't put me with Ariana again...

"Lab coats on!" Barked Mr Pinto and everyone put their coats on.

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