Ch 6- Everyone is Lying

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Chapter 6 - Everyone is Lying

"Mar, really?" I said, exasperatedly. Mar STILL refused to believe that Mike was a fake and she was absorbed in him. Nothing I could say would change that.

Mar fiddled with the rolls of her skirt around her waist, and tucked a strand of chocolate-colored hair behind her ear. "Look, Ari- I don't get how you can think Mike would do this to us. He's the sweetest guy alive!"

"I doubt that," I said scornfully. "It's just some silly prank or something."

"Why would anyone want to do that to us?"

"Because we're the freaking rejects of the school, Mar! Everyone would love to see a little joke played on us!" 

Mar covered her mouth with her hands and I breathed in deeply, realizing it was the first time I had acknowledged that we were the rejects of the school. 

Usually, we just skimmed over it and pretended we didn't know we were usually laughed upon. We weren't honest- even with ourselves. 

"Sorry," I said, my voice breaking in a sob.

"It's okay," Mar choked out. 

I leaned forward, and hugged my best friend, letting my tears fall into her shoulder. 

"Mar," I said, pulling away, "I'm only telling you about Mike because I don't want you to get hurt. You're my best friend, and that's the last thing I would want for you."

"I undersand, Ari, and thanks. I'll think it over," she said just to humor me.

I gave her a watery smile. "Good."

We went to class and Farrah chose to sit as far away from me as she could, well good.

Another person scared of me.

After school was over, I hurried to my car, wanting to get away as fast as I could but sadly Nick Hale and his friends were standing in the way.

Great, great, great. I knew Nick was going to chew me out for not reviweing the project he had sent me yesterday. To be honest, I had seen it after 2 AM and knew I wouldn't be able to concentrate on it. 

And after the Farrah incident, to be honest, I just wanted to avoid the Internet.

To my surprise, Nick jogged over with a smile on his face.

"Hi Ari!"

"Hey," I answered slowly. For the first time I felt slightly self-conscious - was my skirt too short, had I maybe exaggerated by hiking it up so much? I discretely tugged at it, to roll it down, but it didn't budge.

"I have some good news, Ms. Nuttal had an accident and will be absent for two weeks!"

I felt the corners of my lips tug, the project which was normally due tomorrow would be cancelled! Meaning, I didn't have to review and check the long Word document Nick had sent me.

"That's great!"

"Nice to see you smile normally," Nick snickered.

I felt the corners of my lips tug down.

"Sorry!" Nick said quickly, looking horrified at what he had just done. As if realising that being mean to me was part of every Silver Shore student's daily routine, he clapped a hand to his mouth looking mortified. "I didn't mean it, Ari, I'm so sorry!"

"Nah, forget it," I said, trying to force my glossy lips into a smile once again.

He nodded, but continued to look ashamed. "Hey! Maybe... you want to sit with me at the football game next week!" He offered, as if to make up. "You are coming, right?"

"I guess," I said. "Alright, I'll sit with you."

He looked slightly less ashamed. "Alright! Well, look over that file when you can! See you later!"

"Bye," I deadpanned, jogging towards my car.

As I pulled into the driveway, I noticed my parents' luxury car parked in the driveway. Absolutely ecstatic, I threw the car door open and raced into the house, not bothering to kick off my boots.

I heard scurrying feet and the sound of my dog, Belle, barking.

"Mom!" I shrieked, hugging my mother tight. 

"Ariana, be careful," my father said. He winked at my mother.

"Hey, Dad!" I ran to him and squeezed him in a hug. 

"It's so nice to see you, darling," my mother said, rubbing her stomach which seemed slightly larger than when I had last seen her.

"You too, Mom!" I screeched, as Belle yapped and licked my hand.

"You've become really lovely, a treat for the eyes," my mother said.

"Shall I get us something to eat?" My father suggested.

"Okay," I said. "Do you need help?"

"Nah, I'm good." My dad padded into the kitchen.

"Ariana, dear- there's something I have to tell you."

Now that my dad was gone, my mom looked serious and dark. 

"What's wrong?" I immediately asked.

"Ariana-" My mom's face scrunched up, the way it did when she was thinking how to word her next sentence. "Ari, honey - we're having another baby."

"You're what?" A pang sounded in the kitchen but I didn't pay attention. "What?"

My mom smiled hopefully. "You heard me, dear."

I suddenly started noticing little things, the way the cuckoo clock was slightly crooked and how the ticks sounded metallic. How Belle was licking my hand. How the leather recliner was slightly too reclined. How my mother's hair was a bit messy. How...

"A baby?" I asked, the word seeming new and unused to me. "A real baby?"

"Yes, sweetie," my mother said.

 I breathed in. I would not freak out. I would not freak out. I would not...

"Since when did you know?" I asked, my voice sounding pathedically childish.

"About two months ago."

"And, it never occured to you that maybe I should know this?"

My dad then entered the room with a plate of sugar cookies. I took one and shoved it into my mouth. 

"Is it true?" I asked my dad.

He nodded, looking overjoyed.

"Ari, darling... we thought you would be happy..." my mother trailed off, at a loss for words.

"I am." Blood rushed to my head. "Yeah, I am."

"Is she okay?" my dad whispered to my mom.

"I am okay, Daddy," I said, sinking into the couch. My forehead felt hot. I grabbed onto Belle's brown fur tightly.

"Ari, the baby is due in April," my mom said. "We'll be staying at home till then."

April? It was mid december now. So... I was going to have a sibling in merely five months? It was too much to take. Muttering a quick "Be back," I shoved back my chair and blindly stumbled to my room.

Hey Hey Hey!

Well sorry for the month long wait! I do apologize, but I updated two books in between :) Speaking of that, would you guys check out my story 'Insignificant'? It would mean the world to me <3

Dedicated to @shifts who made me the lovely cover and who is a wonderful friend! Kai, ILY!

Alright, long ANs are annoying so bye!!


LAST THING: This was unedited.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2014 ⏰

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