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I groaned as Mom barged into my room, screaming at me to get up. I looked at her, trying to use mind reading to tell her that I am really tired and that I don't want to go to school.

For one, I had dark circles under my eyes. I felt terrible, and I just wanted to go under my bed with my imaginary black Pomeranian dog and sleep with it. Yes, the dog was still dancing around my room. I was that tired.

My mom seemed to notice these things too, because she looked at me for a minute. She asked,"What's wrong, Evie? You look sick."

I nodded and started to cry in Mom's shoulder. Why I was crying, I don't know. Whenever I feel bad, I cry. It's a habit.

She hugged me and said quietly, "You don't have to go to school today if you feel bad. You get to sleep in, watch TV, whatever. If you don't feel better by tomorrow, I will take you to the doctor. So sleep in!"

I nodded and gladly put my head on my pillow. I remembered quick enough to see what Mom was wearing. She was wearing black, again.

I rolled over and stared at my wall. The Pomeranian was climbing on my wall. It puzzled me. Mainly because dogs can't climb on walls.


All I have done today is sleep and watch Netflix. Occasionally, Mom would come in and ask me if I felt better. I would say, "Kinda. But I'm fine."

While I was watching probably the 20th movie from today, I was thinking about Tuesday. That's the day that I actually get to take lessons.

And learn more music.


I quickly sat up, breathing hard. My first lesson is in a couple days! And I haven't even started to practice!

I jumped out of my bed and ran to the music room that was made specially for me. Dad built it for me when I was a kid. He knew I would be able to play all of these instruments. There was a flute, a piano, a clarinet, everything. But I don't actually play them that often. I kinda just mess with them.

My favorite one is the piano. It's just a pretty thing to play. Everytime I play it, I always lift up the little door on the top to see the strings inside.

As I started to play a classical song, I heard Mom's footsteps. They stopped at the doorway. I smiled. She enjoys listening to me.

When I was done, I turned around and smiled. Mom was clapping. She said, "Yay! I'm so glad you are going to lessons." She emphasized the word.

I pouted and asked her, "Why won't you tell me the little surprise? I need to know." Mom laughed and said as she walked down the stairs, "It wouldn't be a surprise anymore!" I sighed and walked to my room. I picked up my phone and unlocked it.

I was tired, but not too tired to look on Google. I typed in the search bar, Patrick Stump without a fedora. I clicked on images and startes to look at all the images that showed Patrick. I sighed again. How come I will never see him?

Suddenly, I got a text from Alison.

Alison🙌 :
Why are you not at school?

Evie :
I felt sick this morning. And why are you texting during school, Mrs. Alison?

Alison🙌 :
Wow, I would be asking you the same thing if you were at school. I'm actually glad you didn't come to school today. Mrs. Stevens was yelling at everyone, including me.

Evie :

Alison🙌 :
I really don't know. But she yelled at me for working on the bellwork.

Evie :
Um, that's stupid.

Alison🙌 :
I know! When she yelled at me, I asked what I did wrong. She said I was working on homework. I told her that I was working on the bellwork, but I regret it.

Evie :

Alison🙌 :
She gave me 2 checks.

Evie :

Alison🙌 :
I have to go now, my science teacher is coming around. See you later, I guess.

I threw my phone on my bed and sat on the floor. Man, what is wrong with Mrs. Stevens? She normally would be yelling at me for breathing. But yelling at Alison for doing bellwork? There must be something wrong.

I turned to my clock. It read 10:30. I decided to go find Mom. I found her downstairs drinking coffee. I sat in a chair next to her amd sat down. She looked at me and said, "What are you doing? Are you not sick anymore?" She was teasing me.

I said, "I feel better, but I was bored." She nodded and went back to her coffee.

I went to the living room and just stood there. Right on the carpet, was a black Pomeranian dog. Just like the one I saw in my room. I reached my hand out to touch it. I felt the fluffy hair.

I screamed.

Mom rushed in and said loudly, "What happened?" I screamed, "Why is there a dog in the house?" Mom's face turned back to color, and she smiled. She said, "I'm glad you noticed."

I stuttered, "But...but..." She looked puzzled. I explained to her that when I was really tired, I saw a vision of the same dog climbing my wall. Mom made a confused look, and said, "Huh. That's weird." I nodded.

I turned back to the puppy. By now, the poor dog was confused about why I screamed. I slowly grabbed the dog and cuddled it. I said, "His name is Fluff."


I really don't even know why I included an emo Pomeranian in this story.

Thanks for reading!

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