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My alarm clock beeped out the most annoying sound at 6:00 in the morning. I turned to look at it, rolling my eyes when I saw that it read 5:30.

I said aloud to myself, "Ugh, Mom. It only takes me 15 minutes to get dressed."

"Well, it takes you a half an hour to get out of bed! And your bus picks you up at 6:45! So get up!"

I grumbled and rolled to the side of my bed. To my surprise, I fell off and banged my head into the side of my dresser, which is right next to my bed. I let the rest of my body fall off the bed, and I rubbed my head. I said to myself, "Of course, I forgot. It's Monday. Karma catches up to you on Mondays."

My mom walked in and saw me on the floor. She pulled me onto my feet, and said, "Well, you get through karma every week. So I think you're good. Now get dressed! It's 6:15." I whipped my head towards the clock. It indeed was 6:15.

I asked my mom, "Have I been laying on the floor for 30 minutes?"
She said, "Yes, you have." I screamed, "I could've been finding clothes to wear, which takes, like, 5 minutes!" Mom walked over and patted my shoulder. She said, "I wanted to see if you would actually get up off the floor on your own, but it didn't work. One day I am going to come in your room at 6:15 in the morning and you will be dressed and ready to go."

I asked, "And?" She said, "And I am going to have to wait another 3 to 4 years."

I stood there in silence for a moment, pondering about this. Then I said, "That is correct."


I walked down the stairs, wearing all black clothes. Black shirt that read I like bands, black pants, and black converse. I met my mom in the kitchen, who was putting some of my stuff in my backpack. She looked up and saw my outfit. She glared at me and sighed. I looked down at myself and asked, "Um, what?" Mom said, "You always wear black. You look like you are goth or something."
I gestured toward my shirt. I said, "What's wrong with this? And I am not goth!" Mom just sighed again. She picked up my backpack and handed it to me. I mumbled a quick thank you. As I walked down the driveway, I noticed that there were more kids than usual. Puzzled, I walked up to the bus's doors and waited for them to screech open. The bus driver, who looks like an old guy who is just done with life, stares at me and silently opens the doors.

And I braced myself.

Mainly because whenever those bus doors open, screams of chatter blare out of the bus. Kindergarteners talk about their favorite crayon colors, while first and second graders scream puns to each other. Fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh graders just scream their favorite songs aloud for all to hear. And while the eighth graders talk quietly.

It's absolute torture.

I guess I was standing there with my eyes closed for a while, because the grumpy bus driver gestured at the other kids and said, "Hey kid! Are ya just gonna stand there, because if ya are I'm gonna leave!"

I glared at him and climbed the bus steps. As I walked down the bus, searching for anyone I know, I heard a familiar voice. A familiar voice that I wish would disappear.

Because it was my arch enemy.

His name is Austin, and he is so annoying. I swear, if he talks to me...

"Hey, Evie!"

I slowly turned my head around to see Austin. I sighed and asked, "What, Austin?" He said, "You know when we both were obsessed with these Pokémon cards? Well, guess what? I still have them! Do you wanna see them?"

I started to walk toward one of my best friends, Alison. I have known Alison has known since kindergarten, and she also knows Austin. She rolled her eyes and patted the seat next to her. I gratefully sat down and tried to tune out Austin's questions.

"Evie, you don't wanna see my cards? You remember them, right? Hey, Alison! Don't you remember the Pokémon cards?"

Alison turned her head towards Austin and yelled, "No, Austin! I absolutely don't remember the Pokémon cards!" Austin looked sad. He said, "Well, I guess I'll ask, um, Mark over here if he remembers."

Alison finally turned to me and started talking about the math homework last night. I kinda tuned her out, too. I have a D in math class, and the rest of my grades consist of B's. Alison, of course, has all A's and does everything to get extra credit.

"Well, did you do the math homework?"

I shook my head. Alison punched my shoulder. I yelped. I whipped my head to Alison and said, "What was that for? I said no!" Alison sighed and looked at me. Her look reminds me of my mom when she looks at my clothes. I sighed.

Alison said, "Evie! You need to start doing your homework! You have a very low grade in that class! Mrs. Stevens will be so mad at you!" I made a face and said, "You sound like my mom. And Mrs. Stevens is always mad at me, so what's the difference?" Alison remarked, "Well, maybe if you actually did your homework and talked nice to her, she wouldn't hate you as much!"

This is what we talked about the whole way to school.

I heard as we were getting off the bus that Austin was still talking to Mark about his Pokémon cards. I heard someone shout, "Austin! I don't even know what Pikachu is, so forget about Pokémon cards!" Austin looked sad again.

Poor Austin.


Yay! The first chapter! I hope you liked it.

Thanks for reading!

What A Catch × Patrick StumpHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin