
856 21 14

she's/he's = your preferred gender

You wake up in your quarters only to be met with a pain in your stomach, then a large growl. The sun was just starting to come up over the mountains when you get out of bed. You walk over to your wardrobe and change out of your nightwear into something appropriate for the inquisitor to walk around the hold in. 

You walk downstairs and into the main hall and check the tables for breakfast, but there was nothing. It was to early for there to be breakfast. You know that the chef would probably make something if you ordered him to. You are the inquisitor after all, but you don't want to make the poor guy have to go out of his way just for you. So you decide to make your way down to the kitchen and grab some bread and cheese. Once you've gotten your bread and cheese you decide to go out side and take a walk. There wasn't much to do, now that Corypheus is dead, so you just wander around for a bit.

As you are walking buy the tavern you notice Cole sitting on the edge over the tents of the wounded soldiers . You hadn't talked to him much since the battle against Corypheus, so you go over to him and sit next to him. 

"Back aching, legs full of pain, my daughter and wife's smiling faces when they are being dragged away by Venatori. They can't be hurt anymore and I will never be able to see them again in this life. The threat is gone and can no longer hurt us," Cole says as he looks down at a soldier with burn mark all up his legs and on half of his face.

"He must have gotten burned by one of the Venatori mages when fighting in the Arbor Wilds." You look over at Cole. His hair fell over his eyes and his floppy hat sat on top of his head. 

"I can help him. He is suffering and wants to be with his daughter and wife. He will only suffer more if we don't." Cole pulled a dagger out and had it ready. 

You didn't want the man to suffer any longer, "Go ahead. If he's just going to suffer than you can end his suffering."

Since Cole was more human people it was easier for people to see him even when he doesn't want him to, so when Cole went down there you made sure you were with him. You told the person tending to the wounded soldiers that the man was dying and there's nothing more she can do. The woman said she knew that, but she couldn't bring herself to kill the man.

Cole walked over to the man, "You don't have to hurt anymore. I'm here to help you." The mans gaze was locked on the sky and his hands were at his side. Cole took the dagger and drove it through the mans temple. When Cole stepped back the man's eyes were closed and he seemed to have a smile on his face. 

"He is finally with his family. He is where he wants to be." Cole walked away and back up to the edge where you two were sitting earlier. You follow and sit beside him.

You were glad that the man was with his wife and daughter now. You look to Cole and he seemed satisfied by what just happened. You stare to examine his facial features. His eyes were so blue. You never really noticed it before, because if you aren't looking hard enough you can't see his eyes through his bangs. You wonder if he has ever wanted someone to be with since he's left the fade. Someone who would be with him always. You then think to yourself, 'Wait why am I asking that question?' You shake that thought from your head and look back at the soldiers.

"I don't know what it means to want someone. I know what it means to want a friend, but I don't really know what it means to want someone, like how Rhys and Evangeline wanted each other, so if I did want someone to be with, I would not know what it feels like." Cole looks down and back at the soldiers. 

Damn it he's heard your thoughts you forgot about that and he's probably hearing them right now. Quick think of something else. Think of nugs. Those things are weird. What are they like a rabbit, rat, pig?

Cole x Reader (A New Enemy)Where stories live. Discover now