Burned Kitchen

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As you are walking down the stairs of your quarters you feel your shoulder bump into somebody. It was Liliana.

"Inquisitor, can we have a moment," Liliana's nightingale eyes tearing into you.

"Of course anything for my spy master, but please speak with haste I am in a hurry," you stop and face her on the steps.

"There are rumors that there is a there is a venitori spy skulking around camp and there are missing weapons. My people are ready and are keeping and eye out, but I advise you to be careful Inquisitor," Liliana stood with her hands behind her back waiting for a response when a large splash of water and a clang was heard from inside your quarters.

"Why are you angry? I'm just trying to help," Cole's voice soft yet loud was muffled behind the door.

"I can't be here!" Averil muffled voice came through the door.

"But I thought that you wanted to be here?" Cole questioned.

You were about to turn back into your quarters Liliana spoke, "I am aware that you have a refugee orphan with you. He must be the voice from inside your quarters."

"Yeah. I was actually about to get him some food, but I am not sure if Cole needs help with him while I grab food," you sound rushed and eager to do get back into the quarters.

"Go. I will help Cole I am quite skilled with children you know," she smirked and you quickly make your way down the stairs. As you entered the kitchen, the smell of burning food entered your nostrils.

Once you had reached the kitchen you could hear the head chef arguing with the elven servents, "Again? I swear you two are lucky you didn't burn down the whole bloody keep!"

"It wasn't us this time, sir. We swear," the short red headed girl argued.

"Well, someone left the stove burning..." He gestured over to the soggy coals in the stove. "Oh, hello Inquisitor," the chef turned a light maroon as he managing a smile.

"What happened here?" You walk further into the kitchen. By the stove were two large sacks the colour of charcoal and there were marks where the flames kissed the wall.

"Someone left the stove burning
Some of my best sacks of potatoes were close to the fire and they want up in flames. These two are lucky I came down here before it was too late," he made a side glare at the two elves.

Your mind replayed Liliana's words from earlier. Was there really a Venetori spy that was still seeking revenge on the Inquesition? Is this their doing or was it really just a servant mishap.

"Like we said sir it wasn't us," argued the redhead.

"She's telling the truth we made sure to stomp out the stove before we retired," the small black haired male elf defended.

"Andraste's Tits you did! No one else comes down here, ever since security was increased because of that Sera coming in and stealing cabbage and carrots to create replicas of Corypheous's head for target practice," his face now full blow maroon as he argued back with the elves.

"We can look more into later. I will be sure to have Cullen's men have more than one guard posted out front of the kitchen. We can spare some since Corypheous is no longer around." you are sure to leave out your knowledge of the spy knowing it would most likely cause panic.

"Of course Inquisitor. Thank you. Now, what was it you were down here for?" the chef turned towards you as the red began to drain from his face.

"I was searching for food. I am guessing potatoes are off the menu?" you suggest turning to the burnt sack of potatoes.

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