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You sat in the tent on the straw bed. A man with long blonde hair and a clean shaven, chiseled  face stood in front of you examining you. This was not the Adam you were expecting as you were expecting the bearded Adam who was the alchemist in Haven.

This new Adam grabbed you arm and examined where the two small cuts were that are now scars. "It seems you have healed quickly for this kind of poison." He drops your arm letting it flop down at your side.

"I'm sorry, but I haven't seen you around here, before. May I ask you when you came to the Inquisition?"

You look up at him as he walks over to  the nearby table with viles. "I came in a few weeks ago. I am from...was from the Fereldan Circle, but you know how that went."

So he's an apostate? He didn't seem dressed like an apostate. He wore leather armor and had sheaths where daggers would be. The sheaths were empty, probably taken by the guards as a precaution. You then begin to think, if this guy has been here for a few weeks then how long have you been in this tent? What happened to Averil?

"How long have I been out?" You question.

"Well, about a month. From what I've heard." He answers.

He grabs a vile with a translucent green liquid in it. "Here we are then, drink this, it should fix the pain in your leg."

He hands you the vial and you take it. You eye the liquid, it was not like the normal red healing potion you would take.

"What is in this?" You ask.

"A little formula I learned after the Circle failed and I was forced to be on my own." He says.

You raise an eyebrow unsure if you should believe him.

"Elfroot and a few other herbs, it heals just about anything. It's nothing that'll kill you. The guards are smarter than to let me bring anything like that in here. Well maybe the girl is, but that Fereldan..."

You chuckled then wrapped you lips around the tip of the vial and threw your head back. It tasted like rancid ram meat. You stuck your tongue out in disapproval.

"I know it tastes bad, but it works." Adam takes the empty vial from your hand and places it on the table.

"Thanks." The taste swirled around your mouth and you shake your head to try and make the taste go away. The taste eventually fades. You start to let your mind wander from the bad taste that was in your mouth. You still need to know where Averil is and Cole. By the Maker, you forgot about Cole. He saved you! Where is he you should thank him?

"Excuse me, but another question. Have you happened to seen a young man come around here? Slim frame, blonde hair covering his eyes, floppy hat?" You ask.

"I can't say I have, Inquisitor. Your leg should be feeling better in a little bit and when it is, your companions would have more sufficient answers than me." Adam continues to fiddle with the items on the table.

You look at your leg and it looks fully healed, but that pain you felt earlier when trying to move it still lingered, although it seems to be lessening as seconds pass.

After what seems to be only minutes your leg didn't hurt. You move it up and down. Your leg seemed to be fully healed. You get to your feet, struggling to balance. As you steady yourself, you notice Adam was packing the items on the table in a small satchel.

"Well, it seems like you're all healed Inquisitor. I am no longer be needed here." He places the satchel around his neck and underneath one arm.

"You are needed here. The Inquisition takes in all around here, mage or not." You try to reassure.

Cole x Reader (A New Enemy)Where stories live. Discover now