Everyday Life (Bloopers!) #1

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-Drop the Base!-

[Clip 1:59]

As Alice and (Y/f/n) waited by the doors to Cresent moon, their wild friend (Y/n), was missing in action.

"Where's (Y/n)?" Asked Alice, as she turned to her friend. Their weapons were already waiting inside, all was left was (Y/n) herself.

"She went to look for Nina."

At that moment, someone fell from the third floor and could be seen through the windows. As if they could hear the loud music blasting when they watch 'Try not to laugh, hardest challenge' videos. Not odd at all, their missing friend was the one falling...

While fighting Nina' s old bully.

"Again. I thought he'd learn." Sneered Alice, as she opened the door to Cresent moon, "Proffesor Stein. They're at it again."

-Bye Have a Great Time!-

As the Soul Eater and (Y/n) gang walked to school reaching before the 888 steps. (Y/n) felt herself begin to sweat bullets...




"BYE HAVE A GREAT TIME!" As she tried to run away, key word, tried.

-That's what she said!-

Soul continued to whine at the up coming quizzes, Maka ignored the male while continuing to read. (Y/n behind them, face planted on the table, Nina trying to comfort the teen.

"The quizzes kept getting harder and harder!"

"That's what she said!" Laughed (Y/n), while banging the table with her fist. Alice and (Y/F/n) sighed at their friends antics.

-I Came in Like a Wrecking Ball!-

As Maka, Alice, (Y/F/n), Tsubaki, and along the guys walked down the hall, heading to Crescent Moon.

"Yo Guys!" Called as she was at the bottom of the stairs, waving at them.

"Hey (Y/n)." Greeted Maka, as Tsubaki returned the wave.

As everything seemed to go slow motion, they see a body flying passed them. It was none other than Black Star, as he aimed a kick at the smiling (Y/n). To the girl, she would've actually sang Wrecking ball, but moved her head to the side. Making Black Star fly past her, as she continued to walk to the now gapping group.

"Stein's absent so we can go grab some grub!"

'How are you thinking food when he tried to attack you!?'

-Come Back!-

[Clip 0:42]

As (Y/F/n) happily ate her cookies with milk, until one broke and fell inside the milk cup. making the girl teary eyed, "Come back...Come back..."

~Hours Later~

"Just say I'm sorry for your loss." As Michael asked Alice how to calm their now crying meister.


[Clip 0:32]

As Spirit shopped in the super market he heard a very familiar music that was sang by Celine Dion 'My heart will go on.'

Turning to the sound, his face contorted to shock, watching three familiar friends. Two were standing on a shopping cart, arms up the way the two main characters in the romantic/historical movie. While Alice had her head down not facing any one.

As if she knew Spirit was watching them, as they passed him she whispered. "It's just them being idiots. Don't ask."

Walking away.

-Reading Time-

[Clip 0:47]

Soul and Maka were before their odd friend, (Y/n), as she sat in the middle of the road, reading.

"Um..Yo, (Y/n), what are you doing?" Asked the albino, as the girl kept reading.


Maka was unnerved at this, "In the middle of the road?"

"Yeah, it's the only way I read and feel accomplished."


As if the great Kami wanted the same answer as well, a car came rolling up, honking at the girl. All (Y/n) did is pull out a air horn and returned the action. Soul actually burst into laughter at this, Maka was unamused at this.

"ARE YOU KIDDING  ME!" As the driver opened his door, about to chase the now running girl.

~Next Day~

Soul, Black star, and Patty laughed at (Y/n) success plan of action to excuse herself from reading. "By saying you were chased by some random guy who stole your book."

"Yep and also saying you and Maka saw the whole thing. Pays to not do the work."

{AN-This is just for the LOL's}

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