Soul Eater react to...

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This week's episode of Oh (bleep) we're in soul eater will be with different guests of the series.

Many will be reacting to different videos. And here are the video they'll be reacting too.


I recommend you look for the video. (Top)

No one's POV

"Uh...(Y/n), what are we doing here?" Asked Maka, she and the rest of the group where behind Maka.

"We're going to show you a video. And we want you guys to give us your feedback." Said Alice.

As she typed something on their laptop. (Y/n) groaned at the thought of the first video, and rubbed her eye's in frustration at what's coming.

"Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit!"

Soul looked at (Y/n) questionably, why is the (H/c)nette acting like that?

"Here...Good luck and don't pause it." Said Alice, as she placed the laptop down.

As the video played and music began. The first thing Maka saw was two girls dancing .

"Woah! Look at those cuties!" Yelled the last star clan member.

Alice looked annoyed at his words.

"They're not symmetrical! Such wretched thing!" Cried Kidd.

(Y/f/n) sweatdropped at his words.

Then it got to the point were the girls got in more reveling actions and parts. Both Soul's and Blackstar's noises noses bled from the angles.

Maka looked in the stage to be annoyed. But when the video went odder and odder. She looked horrified.

She wasn't the only one.

"What the hell is this!" Demanded Liz.

Tsubaki watched in with a cross of shock and disgust.

Patty was laughing like no tomorrow.

"Look at all those boobs! They even have missiles for boobs!" Laughed Patty Thompson.

When they reached the part of the body-less otaku. (Y/n) grabbed the laptop, she almost seemed she would break the laptop any moment if it weren't for Alice. She looked at the group.

"Disgusting! Vile! What was that!" Demanded Maka.

Soul and Blackstar were now laying on the floor. When Maka and Alice gave them both a Maka and Alice chop.

"It was basically about how people think an otaku are. I highly doubt all are into porn of some kind. Also, isn't children also watching this stuff. Would we consider them perverts too. I don't see a difference with what other people watch. Look at fifty shades of grey. It beat the records, and it's all about sex abuse. Yet we criticize them, and they criticize us." Finished Alice. Thinking about those who talk down on the gamer community, like a certain host on the tonight's shows.

All the girls looked at Alice surprised.

"Wow...I never thought of it that way..." Said (Y/n), as she rubbed her neck in embarrassment.

She always thought (Y/S/n) as a pervert from what she watched. And she never thought the video games she has played.

"So remember what you say about others and what they watch. Because what ever we say, will hit us back. So respect the other and what they watch. We all have different likes and dislikes. So let's respect that."

And so the girls learned something.

Not everyone will like the same thing. And it's not right to give false accusations. Just go with that person and their different.likes and dislikes. We're all different in our own ways.

(AN- the reason I chose this was because I was called a pervert by my own family because one of them were watching some Japanese documentary of some sort, and it had some kind of porn and mention tentacle porn. And right away when I'm reading something that was not anime related they said "reading something dirty." Like it were a joke. My own sister and brother say the same shit! When I watch something that's TV-14 basically for teens, and it's anime, my mom flips out at some scenes and says "Change that! It's for adults!" Really! Guys, I'm being pinned for this kind of shit just because some documentary! I can't watch any of this with them! I can't even enjoy Netflix because of them! I have to watch it in my room to enjoy anything! the point is, respect those around you who have different interest and don't pin them with some kind of crazy thing.

Thanks everyone, Ja ne minna!) 

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