The Third Witch, Susan Crow

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"Envy's a coal comes hissing hot from hell" - Philip James Bailey

Third Persons POV

Alice and (Y/F/n) watched in utter horror.

Their friend, (Y/n), was succumbing to her memories. Her once cat-like eyes, was now whites of a wild being. They couldn't even tell if she was human, with all those growls and hisses she would make. As she used Nina to swipe at the dark chainsaw meister, the younger teen only gave the elder sibling an impassive face, yet it held this dark look.

The two would clash with metal blade and metal jagged blades, as the sparks shot off from their weapon partners.

Maka watched on in shock, Blackstar was in the same state but glared at the woman who watched all of this with out most amusement. Soul didn't know what to say, for some odd reason, he felt something paining him. As if he felt all of the girl's pain, to be more frank, his soul does.

Alice then glared at the woman, her dark ebony hair gleamed with this haunting green glow, "From the power pulsing off of you, I'd say you're a witch."

She only received a sickly sweet giggle, "Right you are, little feather." As she smirked their way, she wore a feathered dress, similar to the black swan ballet dress. With her dark grey tights, and forest green dance shoes. With her smirking green lips, to her green eye shadow. As her ebony hair seemed more like a mucky green, framing her angelic face, though it held this sinister aura.

She then gave them a mocking curtsy, "Susan, Susan Crow." She then looked up to the young teens with her mucky green eyes, "The witch of the black crows."

Maka and (Y/F/n) tensed, there was another witch in the school grounds. 

'She probably used her soul protect to conceal her magic.' Thought Maka, as she watched the woman closely.    

Susan glanced at pink haired meister, "Crona, you handle the rest, I'll deal with little feather here." As she gracefully walked to Alice, the Star clan member then stood in front of the two, blocking from coming closer to the ebony hair girl.

"That's far enough lady." Warned the bluenete, as he glared dangerously at the witch. This shocked Alice, "Blackstar..."

The witch only giggled at this, "How cute, two little souls finally meet and begun the connection processes."

The two more intellectual members of the group were highly confused at her words, "Connection process?" Muttered Maka.

Susan then smirked at the sandy blonde meister, "Come now, your school must have heard of this, but I wouldn't blame them." She then flicked her fingers, and waves of feathers wove around the group. Alice could feel herself being pulled away from the rest and into the seas of black feathers.

"Alice!" Called out the young Star clan, as he tried to claw his way to the teen.

"Now, you and I have a long chat." Giggled the ebony haired woman. The teen only glared at her as she readied for the fight to come.

With Maka and the rest,

The three meisters watched in utter shock and horror that the witch just took their fellow meister and friend from them, as the waves of feathers dispersed from the area. Tsubaki could feel her meister shake in rage at the prospect of their friend being in danger with an unknown enemy that didn't sense. "Blackstar, we need to keep going, Alice will be fine. We have to believe she'll pull through." As she tried to calm the frustrated Star clan member.

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