First day, first soul for three 2

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  • Dedicated to To all readers

{Published in 2014}

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(Y/f/n)= your friends name

(Y/S/n)= your sister's name

(H/c)= Hair Color

(E/c)= Eye Color

(S/c)= Skin color

(F/H/c)-Readers hair color

(F/E/c)-Readers eye color

[Chapter 4 First Day, First Soul for Three part 2-Soul Battle for the Three]

Alice's POV

"Axel, sense anything so far?"

We finally made it to Spain in the morning, and at the moment we're searching for the half kishen soul. So far me and my weapon partner Axel had no leads at the moment. I was held my partner in his weapon form, turns out he did have a second form. They were metal knuckles, and when I use my soul wavelength. My wavelegnth forms wires as selfdefense.

"No. Not at the moment m'lady." Said the weapon as I felt his vibration when he spoke. "We'll need to find some leads soon. It's almost night time. And what I know for night time is that, many want to party at night in beautiful Spain."

"My, my, if only this wasn't a mission. I would love for us to sit down and have a cup of mint tea." I looked at the eye's of my weapon, and smirk. "That would have been lovely. But, if we find the kishen, we might have enough time to have some tea. I could use some at the moment." As I said this, I rubbed my temple. The stress of finding the kishen quiker and have no innocence people being killed. 'god this world, it's to brutal. And yet there's no such thing as an easy life, is there.'

As hours pass, in the little town that I have trasnletated to be the 'heart of the bull.' It's a very proud town, you don't have to ask people to see the cocky or proudness of the people. But what struck me is that, no one is running away or leaving this town for safety. "I know what your thinking. And I have to agree m'lady, it's very odd to see men and woman with their familes not evacuating this town. Hmm, how very paculier?" I nodded at my partner, "Peculiar, indeed."

As we kept on servaing the area, I notice that there was a mirrale on the wall. "Axel, do you see this?" As I brought up my hand for him to see better, he kept humming in wonder what this ment. "Queit the mural I must say."

I nodded as we looked at this disturbing murals. It was some kind of deformed like animal. I couldn't tell what kind because it was dranw by children. For such little minds, drawing such horrific painting. The animal was covored at what seem to be red blood, but it wasn't that what caught my attention. It was the cloke human being, drawn with sickly wide smile, as his eye's narrow with the smile.

My eye's widen from the stench of some smell, and right away I knew it was the mirrale making the stench. "I believe we might have found a lead."

  "And that be?"

I looked at the people of this town and when I looked a bit more closer. They all had sickly smiles now, and turn in sync with narrow eye's.

 "We're in the heart of the beast it's self." As I said this everything around me was glowing red, "What in the world!"

 As I looked up the moon was blood red, the town seemed to change with the people. The town was twisted or in a loop, as if we're in it's true domane. "Axel, prepare your self on whatever might happen. Eye's sharp and ready, poised and ready."  

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