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Both AJ and Dean had avoided seeing anyone but each other after what had happened a few hours earlier. They just sat in silence with AJ’s head on Dean’s chest as they sat and watched the show. They replayed the kiss over and over for the fans. Dean would laugh quietly when they replayed the kiss; it just seemed so foreign to see him kiss someone on the show.

It hadn’t been till the three hours were up that they were disturbed by the appearance of Seth Rollin’s voice filling the comfortable silence the two shared.

“Umm, I don’t know what happened out there, but Mr McMahon wants to see both of you in his office.” Seth left right after the message; not even wanting to know what was going on with his friend and the tiny Diva. Dean shook his head while looking down and laughed at Seth’s quick message and hasty leave before grabbing AJ’s hand and leading her out the door to Vince McMahon’s office for the night. Dean knocked on the door before hearing permission to enter.

The two entered hand in hand and Vince motioned for the two to sit in the chairs in front of the desk in the corner.

“Dean, when I talked to you earlier in the month about what you would do would affect the storyline I didn’t expect you to go out and kiss little April here.” AJ smiled and blushed; Dean smiled at his girlfriend as she looked down into her lap.

“Does this mean we will get a storyline together?” Dean said hopefully; something that was very rare for him.

“Yes, and I was also considering her being a part of the Shield but I will leave that to your group. We will have everything for your storyline sorted by next week’s RAW. For now, leave everyone guessing.” The couple knew that it was then that they could leave. Vince was a man of very few words; direct and short. When both of them were out of the room, Dean pulled AJ’s body to his and crashed his lips to hers. As AJ wrapped her arms around Dean’s neck he smiled into the kiss shortly before pulling away.

“Wow, what brought that on?” AJ asked and Dean kissed her nose.

“It’s just you; you bring this side of me out.” Well, that was true. Dean was different around AJ than everyone else. He was cold-hearted in WWE and was the nicest and sweetest guy when AJ was around. She would literally melt the ice around his heart.

When it was time for everyone to get some rest, they all checked into the local hotel. Dean had walked AJ to her room and kissed her goodnight before walking down the hall to his own room. He sighed heavily as he dropped his bag on the ground by the TV and fell backwards on the bed that was in the room. He thought how he was when he was in FCW and then NXT before he had met AJ.


Dean scowled as he saw Seth Rollins with his girlfriend, Katelyn. Just the sight of them together would make him feel sick to his stomach. It was obvious to everyone that Dean was not the one for relationships. He had either been cheated on or the girls he was with was with would only be interested in getting into the bedroom as fast as they could as much as they could. Dean just seemed like there was no use for love for him and he wouldn’t bother to try looking for it.

Dean made his way to catering and grabbed a sandwich. He was just waiting for the match he was in next, an extreme rules match. They were what he was best at. His face would always end up a bloody mess in the end, as would his opponent; that was what he loved most about these matches, they were bloody and raw, not for the faint-hearted. This was one of the first matches like this in NXT though, which had genuinely surprised Dean.

He ate his food and began to punch a boxing bag, getting ready for the upcoming match he was in against Seth Rollins. Dean knew this was going to be a challenge, he had been pitted against Seth before and they were very epic matches to say the least.

The match had been brutal and by the end, neither man really wanted to win, they just wanted the match to end. Both men were a bloody mess. Dean had his blood smeared all across his face and Seth had blood, not knowing whose blood it actually was, all over his chest and stomach area. Dean finally had hit Seth over the head with a steel chair and got the pinfall.

But what had happened after the match was even more devastating. Katelyn had told Seth she no longer had feelings for him and broke his heart. His winning streak had been the only thing she liked about Seth. It had been Dean who had, quite literally, and unintentionally, won her attention.

Dean was washing the blood off his skin with a wet cloth, on both his face and torso. He had continued to wipe the blood off when the locker room door had opened to reveal the smiling, bright face of the one-year younger Katelyn. She bounded over to the 6’3” man and grabbed another cloth, wet it and gently touched a spot on his chest; on his heart.

“What are you doing in here?” He asked, feeling uncomfortable at the way Katelyn was both looking at him and touching him.

“I came to see you, of course. I loved how you beat Seth in that extreme rules match. You looked so good during it, even when you’re bloody and beaten. Everything about you is just so much better than everyone else; especially Seth. You’re so much better than Seth.” Katelyn held the cloth over Dean’s heart and looked up to his face. He looked disgusted at the showing of affection that Katelyn displayed. Dean’s eyes bludged open when Katelyn pulled his face down and crashed her lips to his. He pushed her off and walked out of the room, still slightly bloody, while wiping his lips off with the back of his hand.

This was how it started; he would beat someone in a match and end up with a girl’s attention, it was just how it ended that mattered. He had, after the first few times of course, learnt that those kinds of girls like Katelyn only wanted you if you win. As soon as a loss appeared, he’d get dumped, have water thrown in his face or even slapped across the face. No, he would NOT let another girl do that to him again.

Dean closed himself off to everyone, kept his emotions to himself tried to only let a small number of people into his life; though most of them never stayed for too long. Only Seth had really been there for him, from their days at FCW Seth had seen what had happened with the girls Dean had been dumped by. Hell, it had happened to him as well, that was one of the main reasons why Seth had become friends with Dean, because he knew what his friend had gone through.


Dean opened his eyes and rubbed them after scrunching up his face. He guessed it had been pretty late when he got to his hotel room that he had shared with Seth that night; it had been about midnight when he had got AJ to her room and wished her a goodnight. He would have fallen asleep as soon as he laid down the his bed and dreamed everything; Dean saw Seth still sleeping, drool coming out of his mouth.

After a quick shower and getting changed into his clothes for the day, Dean noticed it was about 9:30am and texted AJ.

Dean: April, you wanna go get some breakfast?

It hadn’t taken long, about a minute, for AJ to reply back.

AJ: That sounds great, I’m starving. I’ll meet you down there in about five mins, okay?

Dean: Sounds like a plan. Love you, babe.

AJ: Love you too.

Dean quietly stepped out of the room he was staying in and went down in the elevator to get some breakfast. He sat at a table with his food and waited for AJ to arrive before he ate. His face lit up when he saw her walk through the entrance. She grabbed her food and set it down onto the table; she stood beside Dean’s chair as he stood up. They looked around to see if anyone was watching and then shared a quick kiss before both sat down to eat, talking occasionally about their plans for the day.

But someone had seen them. Unsure of how to comprehend what had just been seen they scrolled through the contacts of their phone, hitting a person’s name.

“You will never guess what I just saw.” The person, female, said into the phone. This place was finally giving her something to talk about.   

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