Staring Eyes

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“You will never guess what I just saw.” The person, female, said into the phone. This place was finally giving her something to talk about. She smiled to herself, knowing that what this could mean.

“What did you see, Eve? This had better be good.” A male voice replied and Eve took a glance over at the table that Dean and AJ were sitting at; no one else except Eve was in the cafeteria.

“Dean Ambrose and AJ Lee; I think what happened on Raw wasn’t planned. This could be bad news for us; they become the newest power couple and the group can take down any Superstar they wish. They could take over the WWE and run the shows. I wanted to be the top Diva, but now little miss Crazy Chick can get her unhinged pack of dogs to help her get the Diva’s title.”

“Relax, Eve.” The male said over the phone. “That crazy Ambrose, his two-toned best friend Rollins and that skyscraper Reigns won’t get far. We will make sure of that. Raw and SmackDown won’t be taken over by the Shield.” Then, only Eve’s phone beeping was heard.

“So, I guess I will just have to just watch them myself.” Eve smirked and walked out of the cafeteria and took the elevator back to her room. She knew she couldn’t jump into spying right away without getting her info first.

Dean and AJ were soon joined by the other two members of the Shield. Seth had grabbed a huge stack of pancakes with maple syrup smothered on them, a few eggs, some bacon and a sausage. AJ was blown away by the amount of food Seth could eat at one time and sometimes even have room for more. Roman just sat looking between Dean and AJ.

“Why are you looking us, Reigns?” Dean said and his friend laughed.

“Sorry, it’s just strange having little Miss Crazy Chick here with us. But, why are you with us? I don’t like feeling like I’m stupid by not knowing something, do I look stupid?” Roman said and Dean shook his head. No, Roman didn’t look stupid and he certainty wasn’t. Both men and AJ turned their heads to Seth, who, with his mouth stuffed full with food, a fork full of huge pancakes slices and food surrounding his face, looked up at the face of the group; he clearly had been too engrossed in his food to not pay attention to the small conversation that had just taken place.

“Why are you all looking at me like that?” He looked at everyone and AJ struggled to contain her laughter.

“Roman just asked us if he looked stupid and we said no. You on the other hand…” Dean trailed off and gave Seth a funny look. Though, Seth hadn’t understood the look and he screwed up his face; this made him look even more stupid.

“You’re all looking at me funny, why are you guys looking at me like that?” Roman inhaled deeply, trying not to laugh while a laugh escaped Dean’s lips. AJ couldn’t take seeing Seth looking like that so she pulled out a small compact mirror from her back jean shorts pocket which she handed to Seth. Dean had pulled out his phone from his pocket and taken a picture just as Seth went from a goofy, confused smile to a look of complete horror as he saw his food covered and sticky face. He looked at each staring face with anger etched on his face.

“Why didn’t any of you tell me sooner?” Dean shrugged and inhaled a deep breath.

“I don’t know; it was just funny. But I think you should wash up. You’re face looks pretty bad with all of that food surrounding your mouth.” Seth nodded his head once and hurried out of the room up to the room he shared with Dean to clean his face. Roman looked back at AJ, his eyebrow together as he studied her face and eyes; it was some weird thing he had done before to try and scare the truth out of people. This tactic, apparently, wasn’t scaring anything out of little AJ; well he guessed that if she could hang around Dean, she probably wasn’t one to be scared easily.

AJ smiled, slightly annoyed at his staring, and then turned her eyes to Dean as she grabbed his hand underneath the table and gave it a little squeeze. She really wanted to get out of there to spend some time with Dean before the Shield had another one of their meetings to discuss about what to do for the week. Her mouth twitched into a smile for a fraction of a second before she regained her excitement; she soon might be a part of the meetings.

Dean excused himself and stood as AJ did. Roman nodded and let the two walk off as he smiled to himself.

“Looks like someone may have finally broken through Dean’s icy heart; well ‘bout time, he does deserve it.” Roman said and he thought of how his fiancée and little girl back at home.

“You got anything planned today before tonight’s taping of Main Event and SmackDown!?” (A.N. If you didn’t know, both SmackDown! and Main Event are taped on Tuesday nights and then aired in their appropriate time slots.) Dean asked as he looked down at AJ when they were in the small space of the elevator.

“I’m not doing anything because all of the girls have other things planned. Why, did you wanna go out?” Dean nodded and put his hand on the lower part of her back as they walked out of the elevator.

“Do you wanna go out to lunch today? We can get some fast food or something, or we can go to a movie?”

“That sounds good, lunch and then a movie. I’ll go and get ready and then meet you in the lobby in half an hour.” AJ smiled when Dean nodded and kissed her cheek. She ran to her hotel room that she was sharing with Kaitlyn and began to pick out her outfit for her date, well, lunch date, with Dean. Kaitlyn raised an amused eyebrow and smirked at her off-screen and former on-screen best friend.

“Why are you getting ready, got a date at this time of day?” AJ looked behind her at Kaitlyn and turned to face her.

“No, I just want to look a little nicer ‘cause I’m going out to lunch.” Kaitlyn didn’t look convinced so AJ decided to ramp up her lies. “I’m trying to impress people so they won’t think I’m a teenager outside of the WWE.” Kaitlyn nodded, satisfied with the answer. AJ had copped a lot of judgement and rude comments over not acting her age, maybe dressing up like she did would help people she was more mature than her character.

AJ had quickly changed in the bathroom, applied a bit of make-up and rushed to the elevator. She found Dean leaning on the wall beside the elevator entrance.

“You ready to go, April?” She nodded and Dean had taken her to a McDonald’s and then took her to a horror movie. AJ walked out with Dean, she looked sick and disgusted and Dean just laughed at her face.

“Stop laughing at me, Dean. I’ll vomit all over you in the car ride back to the Hotel if you don’t stop.” Dean leaned back and looked at her shocked and disgusted. AJ laughed and grabbed Dean’s hand as she pulled him back the way them had come through the crowd to Dean’s rental car. Over time, AJ felt better and Dean relaxed, thinking that her earlier threat was real. He had laughed at her on the car ride when she complained about all of the blood and scary things in the movie; she hated horror movies and Dean knew that.

“Why did you take me to a horror movie, you know I get nightmares easily.” AJ was curious about why Dean had taken her to that movie as they walked into the Hotel. Dean smiled and grabbed a hold of AJ’s hand as they entered the elevator.

“I don’t know, I guess it was just for fun. You actually started crushing my neck when your arms were around me so tight when you were scared.” Dean laughed, walked into his room with AJ in tow. However, neither had thought to look if anyone was watching. He shut the door behind him and she smiled at him shyly. Dean sat on his bed and looked behind him at the clock on the bedside table; it read 4:17pm.

“We still have a couple of hours till the Main event taping and then SmackDown taping. Do you want to play a video game while we wait?” AJ nodded, grabbed her controller and handed Dean’s his. They began to play and where laughing as they beat each other at different times. The time had flown by and when they had arrived at the arena, almost every person there was staring at them as they walked through a few metres a part. It was John Cena, however, who had come put to Dean and looked at the Shield member and AJ sitting on an equipment box about five metres behind the two men.

“Why didn’t you say to anyone you two were dating?”  

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