Mysterious Plan

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Two and a half months later, AJ had now been pregnant for three months and had a bump that was now showing. She had just been doing promos concerning the Shield and their rise on the WWE, how much she loved Dean and even accidently let out that she was expecting a child in seven months.

AJ had then been flooded with tweets, texts emails and calls from fans and the small number of family members she has; everyone seemed excited. Eve had even decided to play a part, telling AJ that she had completely got over the Divas Championship. AJ wasn’t really liking the apology from Eve though, something just hadn’t seemed right.

Dean had to be out at commentary while Seth and Roman were in the ring fighting against Primo and Epico, an easy match for the two. A lot had changed in two months; AJ falling pregnant, the Shield becoming a likable stable group, Seth and Roman winning the Tag Team Championships from team Hell No, and Dean becoming United States Champion a couple of weeks before. Everything was looking up in AJ’s life.

AJ waited in a locker room, talking with Kaitlyn and lying down on the lounge, although her bump wasn’t big enough to hurt her back, AJ just always felt comfortable lying down rather than sitting if she could help it.

“So, do you want a boy, or a girl?” Kaitlyn asked. She had asked this question since they found out; AJ was starting to think that maybe Kaitlyn thought about the baby more than she did.

“I don’t know, I mean, we have only just started going to the doctor and I don’t think we will know until a couple more months.” Kaitlyn pouted and crossed her arms over her chest.

“Aww, I want to know though, I guess I am just impatient.” AJ nodded in agreement. She turned so she was lying on her side, watching the TV that showed Seth and Roman’s hands being held up by Dean; it looked like they had won the match but AJ was too spaced out with talking to notice.

“They won; you want to go see them?” Kaitlyn said and AJ raised an eyebrow.

“Or do you just want to see Seth?” AJ smiled knowing she had gotten to her best friend. Kaitlyn muttered something and walked off towards the stage entrance, in hopes to get there before the trio had walked off to talk or whatever. AJ had to run to catch up with Kaitlyn and found her walking off with Seth; their arms were linked and they were talking and laughing about something.

Roman excused himself, hugged AJ gently so he didn’t break her (something he always thought he would do) and walked off without another word. AJ and Dean were finally alone. AJ wrapped her arms around Dean’s neck and stood on her toes and Dean responded my wrapped his arms around AJ’s waist.

“I didn’t see the match, honey; Kaitlyn was talking with me about the baby for too long. But I noticed Seth and Roman won.” Dean nodded and took his girlfriend’s hand to lead her to the arena car park.

“No, it’s okay, I though Kaitlyn might have done something like that. It’s keeping stress levels down for you; that’s what you need for our,” Dean bent over and kissed the side of AJ stomach before standing back up and putting and arm around her waist. “It’s what we need for our little one and your health. AJ smiled and kissed Dean but pulled away when she heard his name being called.

“Um, I think that was Punk, and it sounds like it’s urgent.” Dean quickly ran back into the arena and Punk lead him to the other side. They walked into a dark locker room.

“Hey, Punk, I thought this was an emergency?” Punk nodded.

“Yeah, I did say that, didn’t I?” Dean was getting anxious; this didn’t seem like the Punk he knew.

“So, why are we in here?” Punk went over to the door and pulled a key out.

“I think a better question is; why are you in here on your own?” Punk quickly ducked out of the room, slammed the door shut behind him and locked it.

AJ was feeling nervous being on her own, and this time it wasn’t just mood swings. She jumped when a hand touched he shoulder and turned to see Eve with a worried look on her face.

“AJ, what’s wrong?” She asked, it sounded really convincing too. AJ brought it and held onto Eve.

“I’m just scared of being alone.” AJ pulled away and noticed Eve had titled her head to the side, her eyes narrowed and something was behind me back. Eve struck AJ in the stomach with a small section of a metal pipe.

AJ coughed out a bit of blood and fell to the ground while clutching her stomach. She didn’t feel right and couldn’t feel any minute movements in her stomach, like there was nothing there.

Eve pulled out her phone and dialled a number. She brought it up to her ear.

“I’ve done it; what now?” Eve walked away from AJ and looked up to where the cameras were in the car park; no lights were on them so they were shut off.

“Get out of there and make sure Kaitlyn and Dean know about it. Act innocent.” The male voice said and hung up quickly. Eve ran to find Kaitlyn and found her with Seth.

“Kaitlyn, Kaitlyn, I found AJ, she’s hurt in the car park!” Both two tones and Eve ran to the car park and Seth pulled out his phone.

“I’m calling an ambulance, just stay with her!” Seth demanded and he began to panic as he was trying to get an ambulance there as fast as possible.

AJ had been rushed to hospital and Dean had been told as soon as AJ was in the ambulance. Dean had actually broke down crying before he got to the local hospital. All hell was about to break lose when he found out who did this to his beautiful AJ and wanted to know if his baby was okay.

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