Spreading News

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AJ’s mood and eating habits were confusing everyone, she would snap at jokes and eat whenever she wanted and whatever she wanted. Kaitlyn and Dean hadn’t told anyone, but they were concerned that people would start to figure things out. AJ, at least, was sick very early in the morning so no one knew that about her.

It had been about two weeks since Dean had found out about AJ and he had spent as much time with her as possible when he could. Dean had organised for he and AJ to meet with Vince this week before RAW; AJ really couldn’t risk having a match, she was lucky Vickie hadn’t booked her for anything since Vickie found out AJ wasn’t feeling well. At least Vickie really was nicer than her character in the WWE.

Dean knocked on the door to Mr McMahon’s and was told to enter. He walked in with AJ holding onto his arm and the two sat down in front of the desk in the two chairs.

“I should have known I would see you two in here again. Now tell me, what is it you wanted to say.” AJ inhaled deeply.

“Mr McMahon, I was wondering if I could have time off in a few months, I found out a couple of weeks ago that I am pregnant.” Vince nodded and smiled.

“Of course you can, April. I’ll let Vickie know the reason why, I can assume you don’t want others to know, right?” Dean and AJ nodded.

“Yes, how did you know?”

“Because Stephanie didn’t want anyone to know about her first pregnancy either, presides, this business has people who will do anything to get to the top, that includes hurting others.” Dean nodded grimly and Vince continued.

“I will still have you paid what you usually will so you can get by easily. You are also welcome to travel with RAW till your third trimester, which would be when you would just have to stay at home and rest.” Dean understood what Vince was saying; he shook hands with his boss and stood up along with AJ.

“We can tell Vickie about AJ to save you the trouble, sir.” Vince nodded his head once and Dean walked out of the office with AJ.

“Vickie should be in her office, know where it is.” AJ said and she led the way to Vickie’s office. Just like AJ had thought, Vickie was sitting at the large desk typing away on her laptop. Vickie looked up when AJ knocked and smiled when she noticed Dean with the little Diva.

“AJ, how would you like a match tonight since you didn’t have one last week?” AJ wrung her hands nervously.

“Well, that’s what we have come to speak with you about. I am no longer able to compete for a while anyway.” Vickie shut her laptop so she could concentrate on AJ more.

“Why not, dear, what happened?” AJ sat down in one of the chairs in front of the desk Vickie was sitting at.

“I am pregnant, but you can’t tell anyone. Only Vince, you, Kaitlyn and Dean and I know; and we don’t want anyone else knowing right now.” Vickie nodded.

“Okay, AJ, I will try to find something for you to tonight if you’d like but it won’t be anything tough, maybe just a promo, or something. But you should be resting; I know that it isn’t good to be stressing and all of that while being pregnant.” AJ smiled and hugged Vickie tightly, Dean just stood on the other side of the room amused by the friendliness of the two since they were on screen enemies.

Dean looked to the door for a second, but a second was all he needed; he had seen someone rush away. He was suspicious, but didn’t want to risk stressing out. He had heard of women he met that had lost their babies or had premature births because of stress.

It had been Layla that had been by the door; she had heard everything about AJ’s pregnancy. She quickly rushed off to the Diva’s locker room and found Eve putting on the finishing touches to her make-up.

“I found something really great for us about AJ. I think you’re going to love it.” Layla smirked and Eve titled her head to the side.

“Spill it, then I can figure out a way to use it since spilling the secret about her and Dean didn’t know.” Layla began to grow scared. Maybe I shouldn’t say anything. But Eve knew things about everyone, dark things; she had to tell the secret.

“AJ is pregnant with Dean’s baby.” Eve stopped what she was doing and turned to face Layla.

“Now, this is interesting! I need to figure out how to use this information, I need time. For now; we both just pretend we know nothing. It won’t take me long to figure out what to do to get my title back.” Layla really was scared now.

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