A Day to Remeber(Happy Birthday Lewis)

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Hey. My birthday's coming so I decided to make this very short story. It might only have atleast three or four chapters. I hope anyone who would read it might pick some lessons and ofcourse have fun. Thank you! Never forget to write down your comment and if you like it, vote for it. Chips!


BY: amaloner_11



Hi. My name’s Lewis Joy. I’m going to be sixteen tomorrow and I can’t tell how excited I am! Well, everyone who will be sixteen sure is excited. If you’re not yet my age, well let me tell you why. First because, when you’re sixteen, you are now legally a teenager and that means you can already have a boyfriend or something like that. I only made that rule so you don’t have to take me seriously. Anyways, moving on with that. Second, when you’re sixteen, you can officially lock your room’s door! Oh, my. That’s called privacy. You can have that already. Isn’t it fun? Like you can decorate your own room without even asking your parents! I can watch movies all night long and they won’t even notice. I can surf the internet all I want and that means I can enjoy facebook, manga, wattpad, YouTube, and a whole lot more (*shouts*) sites without your mom and dad scolding you. That’s the most amusing moment, I tell you! Third, when you’re sixteen, you can have your car and your driver’s license! Well, that’s actually wishful thinking. I am a lazy driver and we can’t afford a car. Fourth…uhm…I actually ran out of reasons but I guess you get my idea how being sixteen is a dream.

Anyways, it’s almost past midnight but I’m still typing and thinking at the same time, what my plans are for tomorrow. I asked my mom if I can throw a backyard party tomorrow but she said we don’t have that kind of amount for those things but at least I have my savings, I can enjoy my day with my friends. I just hope they won’t forget about my birthday. They’ve been very busy the past week.

I closed my laptop and plugged my earpiece in to my phone. I was humming at the sound of Britney’s Criminal song when I heard barks outside. Are those dogs?

Ofcourse, stupid! Do cats bark? My inner voice snapped at me. I mentally, slapped my face for being so dumb.

I opened my window and there I saw my dog, Phineas. You may want to ask why Phineas. Well, because my labrador is orange. You didn’t get it, did you? If not, then you better watch cartoons sometimes.

“Phineas, will you cut it out?! Everyone’s already asleep!” I told the dog. Now that I thought about it, why did I even talk to Phineas? He’s a dog! Of course, he didn’t understand.

The dog kept barking. That’s when I narrowed my eyes to where Phineas barks. My eyes focused on the thing and I gasped. There’s a woman lying on the grass! I quickly grabbed my jacket and went downstairs.

I brushed the woman’s hair behind her ear and there I examined her face. She looks pale and whitish like she just drained all the blood out of her. Poor woman. I tried to lift her but damn, she’s heavy! So what I did, I grabbed her clothes’ collar and started dragging her inside.

She’s a stranger! I told myself but I tried to convince myself that she won’t do anything stupid. Oh, wow. Coming from me! The irony of life, huh. When we reached the stairs, I gently lifted her just few inches from the floor. But of course, young as I may look, dropped her. Thug! Ow, that hurts.

“Lew, honey? Is that you?” My mom asked from her room. Her tone sounds like she’s worried like I just broke a vase. Man, why is she still awake?! “Are you okay?”

“Y-yes, mommy! I’m fine. You can go back to sleep now!” I whispered but loud enough for her to hear. I heard her stomp her foot which means she’s going outside.

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