Part Four/Last Part (How my Life Changed with a Single Wish)

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Previously on A Day to Remember: Happy Birthday, Lewis.

Lewis found her second wish to be effective. She wished to be smart and it was granted. Jean told her the rules and warned her of what might happen if she doesn’t choose her words well. During lunchtime, she got ridiculed by Manilyn, the school’s all-time bitch. Because of her insulting Lew’s current life state, Lew is going to make her third wish. Find out what her wish is and what is going to happen if she made the worst decision she’ll ever regret.

(A/N: Before reading, this will be a long chapter unlike the previous chapters. Thanks again for all the greetings!)

 Dedicated to my imoto-san, Imjaded! I love you honey! You've been good and sweet to me! 



Chapter Four

How My Life Changed with a Single Wish

I went to the girl’s bathroom and locked the door.

“Jean, can you hear me? I’m going to make my third wish!”


I was startled.

“I know what my third wish is.”

She smiled.

“Are you sure with that? Remember; be careful with the words you’re going to use.”

“I am aware of that. It will only take 5 words to make my wish.”

“Okay. Say the words.”

After this wish, my life would change. I’ll show that Manilyn. She’ll be the loser and not me.

“I wish to be rich. Very rich.”

I felt a sudden change in my stomach. It feels like I turned upside down.

I opened my eyes. I’m still in the bathroom but when I faced the mirror, I’m not wearing my jeans anymore or my T-shirt. My hair is now braided to one shoulder. I’m wearing a very cute dress and a pair high-heeled sandal. I’m wearing a make-up! Oh, darn it. I’m not used to these kinds of things.

I opened the door and I saw a whole bunch of students with their cameras and cellphones.

Flashes everywhere. 

“Miss, Lewis. Please sign my forehead!”


“Ahhh! Look here Miss Lewis! Just a hundred more shots!”

“I love your movies Miss Lewis!”

Movies? When did I became part of a movie.

There were boys giving me winks and flying kisses.

Aw, that was sweet but I don’t understand why they’re doing that.

I was squeezed between the students until two big men appeared out of nowhere wearing black Tshirts.

“Everybody, back off! Miss Lewis needs to go!”

I got it.

Since I’m very rich, I am popular.

I love this!

Oh, man! This is life!

The two big-bodied men made a way for me and I followed them. They lead to me a black limousine.

A Day to Remeber(Happy Birthday Lewis)Where stories live. Discover now