Part Two(First wish)

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Part Two 


by: amaloner_11


Previously on A day to remember: Happy Birthday, Lewis! 

Lew got really excited about her birthday the day after. She enjoys composing the things she wants and must do on her perfect birthday. Then a weird woman appeared on their backyard. Lewis helped the woman which happens to be a beautiful lady. The lady grants her four wishes as compensation for Lew's help and when I say help, it means more than two pieces of pizzas.


"No way!" I exclaimed.

"Yes way," Jean said back

I hesitated. Right. Like I would believe her. Well, yeah, she transformed herself from a shabby woman to a stunning young lady but hey, what are you gonna do? I just met her! And not to mention, there's no such thing as magic!

I chuckled.

"Okay. Is this some kind of prank? Am I part of a gag show?" I laughed softly. "Come on. I got you guys now. Bring out the cameras."

I stood up and and checked the windows for cameras and a bunch of wierd-looking gaggers.I looked around.

"What are you doing?" Jean asked and stood beside me and acted if she was looking for something.

"This isn't a joke?" I asked when there was no one around but us.

"Of course." She said casually.

"You know, Lewis..." She brushed her hair behind her ear. "There are more things in this world that only those who believe can see."

I frowned.

"And what do you mean by that?" I asked.

She smiled.

"You'll see. Wish carefully, Lewis." And with that, she jumped out of my window.


She just jumped.

Then it hit me.

My room's on the second floor!

I glowered down my window but there was nothing but flickers of lights like glitters just shattered down my window.

Well, that was creepy. She just disappeared like she just flashed then vanished with the night.


The next morning...

7:00 am.My alarm clock woke me up.

I opened my windows and braced myself for the sun to touch my face. Ah, this feels great.

"Today's a new! Happy birthday, Lewis." I told myself.

I changed from my Pjs to a pair of jeans, a plane white sleeveless top and a red coat. Perfect. Just the right clothes for this special occassion.

"Good morning, Lew!" My mom, and my brother, Lucas both said as if they practiced it.

I scowled at them. This is my room.

"Hello? Sixteen-year-old here, trying to get ready. Forgot to knock?" I said sarcastically. Seriously, they should stop those attitudes. They should know that by now I need my own space. And when I say space, I mean privacy, freedom, and liberty!

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