Character info

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Name: Alena Lauren Black

Age: 14

Family: Billy Black (dad:alive), Jacob Black (older brother: alive), unknown (mother: dead)

Likes: Wolves, drawing, writing, the legends her father tells, music, campfires, outdoors, fixing motorcycles, her family, and friends.

Dislikes: Bullies, vampires(later on), people who hurts the ones she loves, and Bella.

Hobbies: Archery, drawing, cooking, reading, fixing bikes with her brother, hanging out with her friends, and stargazing.

Looks: Has waist length black silky hair, electric blue eyes, slightly tan but not as much like her brother or father, white straight teeth, and over all beautiful.

The Pure One! (Seth Clearwater love story) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora