~chapter 3: Loneliness... Coming to an end~

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Alena's pov:

I was finally released from the hospital.... But I had no ride home.... Dad told Jacob to come and get me since he had to talk to Charlie about what had happened.....But he forgot cause he was hanging out with his precious Bella....I had crutches to help me walk since my left leg was fractured by the.... Cold one.... I was walking on my way home silently not only with a fractured leg but a broken rib that had pierced my right lung .... Then just to my freaking luck it decided to rain.... I stop for a second and glare at the sky.... But just continue to make my way home on crutches.... By the time I finally make it home it was nighttime..... I was released from the hospital at 10:00 am that morning..... Now it was 7:00 pm.... I growl and make my way up to the house to see Jacobs old orange pick up he gave to Bella..... I growl even louder and walk up to the house still soaking wet I open the door with difficulty and walk inside. I don't see anyone here. I walk to dads room to see him laying down. I scoff and limp my way to my room. I walk to my closet and carefully get dressed into pajamas. I lay down in my bed and place my crutches on the floor. Laying on my back I close my eyes trying to sleep but couldn't. I hear my door open but don't look at who was there. "Alena?" I hear dad ask rolling in. I don't turn to him.... I don't look at him.... I don't speak to him.... "Alena" dad says a little bit louder. I don't even acknowledge him. "Alena I know your mad-" he starts but I cut him off. "Oh I'm beyond mad!" I say sitting up and glaring at him. "Not only have I spent the fast few days in the hospital by myself I had to walk home on my own... On crutches.... With a broken rib, a stitched up lung, and fractured leg.... In the fucking! Rain!" I shout at him. He just looks down and says "Alena your brother is helping Bella get through things right now an-" I scoff at that. "Oh really.... A girl who isn't your own is more important  to pay attention to than your daughter who nearly died...." I say with more and more venom in my voice. "Think about what you said.... Alena Bella is going through problems Jacob helps her get through it.... Your making excuses hoping I'll forgive you and my brother but the fact is your making it worse.... You think I can forgive you for what happened...." I scoff. I grab my crutches and limp my way out of the house. "Alena!" Dad yells rolling after me. I limp faster on my crutches and make my way down the road. I look over to see Jacob and Bella walk out the shed covered in grease.... I glare at them as I limp by. "Alena!" Dad says rolling out of the house. I stop and look back at him and say "have fun with your new daughter cause as far as I'm concerned she's more important then the one you already had" before turning and limping down the road. "Alena?" Jacob and Bella ask. I just keep limping down the road heading to La Push beach to think over things.

Billy's pov:

My daughter.... She thinks I no longer care for her.... That Bella was more important than her.... That Jacob was more important.... "Have fun with your new daughter cause as far as I'm concerned she's more important than the one you already had" what she said.... She said it with so much hurt and sadness in her voice.... It made me want to cry.... "Not only did I spend the last few days in the hospital all by myself... I had to walk home on my own... On crutches.... With a broken rib, stitched up lung, and fractured leg.... In the fucking! Rain!" She said it wth so much hate and anger.... But most of all with loneliness in her eyes.... "Oh really.... A girl who isn't your own is more important to pay attention to than your daughter who nearly died" she's right.... Why did I tell Jacob to let her come over today when he was supposed to get Alena from the hospital.... Why did I pay more attention to Bella's well being than hers.... I'm a horrible father.... My baby girl.... She hates me and her brother now.... "You think I can forgive you...." I wouldn't expect you to baby... I wouldn't expect that after what we have done..... We've made you feel lonely.... Made you feel as if you weren't important.... "I'm so sorry my baby girl...." I whisper to myself looking down at a photo album of my sweet baby girl.... I feel a tear fall onto a picture we had taken together a few weeks back.... Before Bella moved to Forks.... Before my baby stopped smiling.... Before she stopped laughing.... I let more tears fall.... "My baby girl...." I whisper sadly.

Alena's pov:

I sit on La Push beach looking at waves smash against its shores violently.... Kinda like how my emotions are these past few weeks.... I close my eyes continuing to listen to the ocean waves.... Suddenly I hear a voice behind me say "well well well.... If it isn't little miss Black...." Reopening my eyes in alarm I look behind me to see my bullies from school.... The five of them smile at me sadistically. I scoot back away from them as they grew closer.... "Hehehehe.... Well don't you just look beat up! Did your daddy and older brother finally get rid of you?" The leader of the group Eliza said smirking his brown eyes shining with bloodlust. I close my eyes and shake my head no. "Oh really? Well I don't believe you, you piece of trash!"  One of Eliza's lackeys says grabbing a handful of my hair. "Agh!" I scream when I feel him yank me to my feet. I try to support my weight on my Uninjured leg but fall to the ground anyway. "Get up worthless!" Eliza yells kicking my rib cage. I gasp as he kicks the broken one. I feel it snap and cry out holding my chest in pain. Laughing they start to kick me... Punch me.... I cry even harder when I feel my already aching body start to hurt even more.... "Hey!" A voice yells grabbing their attention. "Shit! Run!" Eliza yells turning and running his lackeys following behind him. I curl up in a ball holding myself in pain.... "Daddy.... Big brother.... Why don't you ever save me.... Why is it always someone else?" I think to myself sadly. I feel someone kneel down beside me. "Hey... Hey you okay?" I look up to see a boy my age with tan skin short black hair and soft brown eyes.... "He's cute" I think to myself.... Looking at him tiredly I whisper "no..." He looks at me sad but nods his head. "Do you think you could stand up?" He asks me. I push myself onto my knees but fall back down to the ground groaning in pain. He sighs and flips me onto my back. "W-what a-are y-y-you doing?" I ask looking at him with tears filling my eyes cause of the pain. "In going to carry you" he says like it was nothing. "B-but-" I start to say but he cuts me off "you need help so I'm going to take you to my mom... She should be able to patch you up..." I look into his eyes to see them filled with concern.... "T-thank y-y-you..." I sob staring to cry.... "H-hey! What's wrong?!" He shouts freaking out. I don't say anything I just continue to cry. "I better get you to my mom" he says and quickly picks me up bridal style still being as gentle as he could so as not to hurt me more. After getting me situated into his arms he runs down the beach carefully making sure not to jostle me around. After about 5 minutes we arrive at a small house. He kicks the door loudly. "Seth! What on earth are y-" a beautiful woman yells opening the door only to see her son holding a bloody girl his age. "Oh my god!" She gasps at the sight. Opening the door wider she says quickly "bring her to the living room." Seth nods and walks into the house quickly placing me down onto their couch. I close my eyes starting to find it hard to breath. I feel something warm holding my hand. Reopening my eyes I see Seth holding my hand smiling a small smile at me. "My mom will get you fixed up in no time" he says. I nod my head slightly though stop and flinch due to the pain. Seth looks at me worriedly still holding my hand. The lady comes back with bandages, anesthetic, and pain killers. "Seth help her sit up" the woman says kneeling down by my side. Seth nods and lightly places one of his hand behind my shoulder blades pushing me up into a sitting position still managing to hold my hand. His mom notices but doesn't say anything. "Ok this is going to hurt sweetie" she tells me placing some of the anesthetic onto a cut on my face. I just flinch and tighten my grip onto Seth's hand slightly. He squeezes back to assure me I would be fine. After bandaging all of my bruises and cuts she left the room to call my dad. We sit in silence Seth still holding onto my hand. "You okay now?" Seth ask. I nod slightly and reach forward giving him a hug. He stiffens up at first but relaxes and hugs back. "What's the hug for?" Seth chuckles. "For just being there...." I whisper. We pull away and smile at each other. The pain in my heart..... I feel it calming down.... Like the ocean after a hurricane..... I feel that hole of loneliness closing.... "Hey I know this is an awkward thing to ask but what's your name.... I never got it...." Seth says chuckling rubbing his neck sheepishly. I giggle and say "Alena Black." He smiles and says "Seth Clearwater." We shake hands and laugh. "Nice to ever meet your acquaintance Mr. Clearwater" I say like a noble. Seth laughs even harder and says "as to you lady Black." We stop laughing and look at each other for a few seconds. "Can we hang out again?" I ask shyly looking down. "Yeah" Seth says smiling lightly. We smile at each other and that's wen I knew.... My loneliness had come to an end....

A/n: well this chapter is short than the others but I hope you liked it anyway~ please vote and comment! Bye!

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