~chapter 4: making someone laugh and smile once again~

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Alena's pov:

It's been a few days since Seth saved me from my bullies.... And we've been together everyday since then.... We were both going through family problems so we decided to just avoid them and sit on La Push and talk.... He told me his older sister Leah hasn't been the same since her boyfriend Sam broke up with her for her cousin.... I told him about Jacob and him spending so much time with Bella and even forgetting to pick me up from the hospital..... "Are you still mad at them?" Seth ask as we walk down the beach me still on crutches. I sigh and looking away to the orange and pink sky I say "as much as I wish I could stay angry I can't.... No I just feel disappointed in them.... I mean they forgot about the daughter and sister who was at the hospital to help another girl go through a break up.... I mean how would you feel in that situation Seth?" Asking at the end looking back at him with sad eyes. Seth sighs and says "I would feel anger more than anything... I'm surprised you aren't...." "You know..." I say suddenly grabbing Seth's attention. "Hmm?" He grunts. I roll my eyes at him and say "I don't ever recall being this happy with a friend before..." Trailing off at the end. I look up at him with a small smile. He sees my smile and smiles back and says "same here." We continue to walk down the beach just talking about how we should hang out at school to. Since my accident I haven't been to school in awhile.... I wasn't looking forward to going back.... Just to get picked on.... I stopped walking and look to the ground sadly.... I didn't want anymore pain.... Not when I was no longer lonely.... Not when I finally felt such happiness.... Seth stops walking noticing I wasn't follows him. "Alena?" He ask me but I don't respond I just continue to look to the ground.

Seth's pov:

I notice Alena wasn't walking by my side anymore. Stopping and turning around I see Alena looking down at the sand in sorrow.... Her electric blue eyes brimming with un shed tears.... I look at her sadly and ask "Alena?" Hoping to grab her attention.... But it doesn't work. I walk over to her and give her a small hug. She looks up at me a tear finally falling from her now dull eyes.... I look at her even sadder now.... I feel a pain in my chest.... Like someone had repeatedly stomped on it..... I look into Alena's eyes and saw pain, anger, and most of all sorrow in them.... "This pain.... It's hers...." I think to myself. I reach a hand up and wipe away her tears lightly. She looks at me in surprise but I just giver her a closed eye smile and whisper "whenever you need a shoulder to cry on I'll be there.... Whenever your in pain don't be afraid to tell me I'll help you through it.... Because your my best friend I will stand by you and protect you when someone tries to make you fall I'll be right there pick you back up...." Alena looks at me her eyes widening and more tears falling but with a large smile on her face.... Her eyes now brimming with happiness.... "Her eyes.... They have a glow in then I've never noticed before...." I think to myself getting lost in her eyes. "They're so.... Beautiful...." I finish my thoughts when I'm snapped out of them when Alena gives me a tight hug. I hug back just as tight and sigh in happiness.... I've never felt as Happy as I am when I'm with Alena.... "I'll make you smile and laugh more.... Your no longer alone in this world... For I will stand by you and be your protector..." I say in my mind while letting go of Alena... Her coolness leaving as she lets go....

Billy's pov:

I roll down the road looking for Alena.... These past few days she's hardly been at home and when she is she refuses to look me and her brother in the eye only giving one word answers when we ask her a question.... I've messed up... My baby girl.... She'll no longer trust me or her brother again for what we've done.... I look over at La Push beach to see her and Harry's boy Seth hugging and smiling. They let go and look at each other talking happily and laughing.... "She's smiling.... She's laughing...." I think to myself happy that my baby girl is finally back to her old self.... Even if it wasn't around me and her brother it still made me happy... For someone helped her out of her loneliness.... Saved her from her pain... I turn around and start to roll back home.... "You better keep my baby girl happy Seth..." I think to myself smiling a small sad smile....

~time skip brought to you by my pure epicness~

Alena's pov:

After hanging out with Seth i started to walk home. I smile lightly as I think of my new best friend.... One that stood by my side when I told him my problems.... One that stayed to make sure I was happy.... Making me laugh and smile when I was down.... He is truly the best thing to have happened to me. I continue my way home on crutches humming a small tune with a big smile on my face. I finally arrive at the house before it got fully dark and make my way inside. I see Jacob on the couch looking at the ground pissed. I sigh and limp my way over to him. "Hi...." I murmur standing in front of my big brother. He looks up slightly shocked but still having a pissed off look on his face. I lean forward slightly and give my brother a hug..... I pull back immediately and say alarmed "Jacob.... Your skin.... It's burning." He just looks away and grumbles "that's what Bella said...." I frown when he says her name. "Why do you hang out with her so much.... If she makes you angry?" I ask curious holding a sad look on my face. He jerks his head to me and growls "she doesn't make me angry...." "Jake...." I say cautiously. He just growls even louder his pupils shrinking. He starts to shake and his skin turns a bright red. I look at him shocked and whisper "Jake... Your scaring me...." I whimper at the end. He suddenly stands up and runs out the door into the woods. "Jake! Jake!" Dad yells out the door rolling outside from the kitchen. I look down at where he was sitting and feel the heat he was radiating from the couch. I just sigh and head black into my room.... What happened to Jake just now.... Why was he so angry about a simple question.... Suddenly I hear howls coming from the woods. Limping over to my window I open it and look out at the woods listening as a pack of wolves communicate with each other. Looking up at the sky I notice the Stars had come out along with a crescent moon. I look back out to the woods to see the black eyes from before.... I look deeply into the eyes and whisper "thank you for protecting me that day.... And keep my brother safe for me.... Please...."The eyes blink and fade away into the darkness of the forest. Leaning back I shut my window and lay down on my bed placing my crutches onto the floor beside me and climb under the covers not even bothering to change... I was to tired anyway.... Looking at the forest one last time I whisper "big brother... Be safe...." Before falling into a world of black.

Screaming.... All I hear is screams of terror.... Looking around frantically I see I'm chained.... Held down by metal bonds.... "HELP!" I yell in alarm only to hear a bark escape me.... Looking down I see four white large paws.... I jerk back in alarm.... "What am I?" I whisper to the dark. Suddenly I hear laughing.... Insane laughter.... Whimpering in fear I step back into the corner I reside and lay down covering my ears with my paws.... "Hahaha.... Good little wolfie.... Good" a voice says sadistically as A figure steps out of the shadows.... It's the same vampire as before in my previous dream.... He smirks at me his blood red eyes chilling me down to the core.... His short blonde hair stained with blood.... I shiver in fear and shrink away from him as he grew closer... Once in front of me he kneels down and grabs my snout roughly making me look into his blood red eyes.... Chuckling the man whispers "I'll see you again real soon.... Pure one and this time... I'll make sure you can't reincarnate!" He yells at the end shoving me away from him. As I was about to hit the wall it suddenly vanished it a bright white light.... In the background I hear a voice say "be carful pure one.... We will kept the vampire at bay long enough for you to discover your true self.... Stay safe pure one...."

                                  ~dream ends~

A/n: hey there readers~ hope you liked the new chapter ! Please vote and comment! Oh~ and This story is for my friend Lauren who wanted me to write this story~

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