Chapter 1

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That's all I could see.

No thought crossed my mind. No light gave me the pleasure of seeing it. Nobody showed themselves.

A void. A void of darkness that was overcoming my entire body. Gnawing away at me with no mercy.

I was so confused at what was happening. I could no longer see anything.

'wait' I thought to myself

Maybe this was dream...... No. A horrible nightmare. Maybe I could just wake up and nothing would have happened. Maybe. Just maybe.....

I opened my eyes, ever so slowly. My vision was at first blurry but made itself clear again. I could just see a long narrow alley way with trash bags and rotten food on the ground, with a flickering street lamp above. I moved my hand up to rub my eyes but in the horrible lighting of the alley way I saw my hand. I could not even believe that was my hand.

It was covered with scars, bruises, and a couple slits with dry blood. At that very moment I realized how much pain I was in. I looked down at my legs and saw that they were in the same state that my arm was in. I almost could not comprehend what was happening. I was so confused and worried and I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs but noting was coming out. I just sat there. Trying to absorb everything that was happening.

I tried to stand myself up but I just ended up right on the ground where I started. I felt water come from my eyes and onto my cheeks. Before I knew it there was a giant puddle of water on the floor in front of me. I stopped myself and tried to get up again. This time I was able to make it up.

I was very wobbly but I could manage. I used the gray, rusty wall for support as I walked. After a walk that seemed like forever the end of the alley finally came. Once I got out I saw that on my left there was a short road that then ended in a forest. All the trees were so tightly compacted that I couldn't even see past the first couple. To my right was a very long thin road with old buildings on each side of it. With the occasional street lamp on either side.

Since I didn't want to get lost in the forest I decided to go to my right. I still leaned on the buildings for support. All of a sudden I felt a drop. Then another drop. Then another. I looked up to see that it had begun to rain. The rain droplet felt like ice on my some what hot skin. With every coming drop came more and more cold to my body. After a while I started to feel very cold and wet. It started to rain harder and harder. Before I knew it, it was pouring.

I concluded that this was not good. I knew that if I stayed out here in this down pour for enough time, I would get a cold or possibly a fever. I tried to open the door of the closest building to me. Locked. Then I tried another. Locked. This happened multiple times and I started to panic. Not only was I put in the rain all alone, but I was scratched up and hurt and I didn't even know what happened to me. I thought where I could go but nothing popped in my head. No ideas or words of any kind.

'the forest' I thought

'since the trees are so close together maybe that could act as a roof'

After that thought I started toward the forest.

'but what if there are wolfs or poison ivy'

That made me stop.

'i won't go that far in'

I started to walk again. Thoughts. Thoughts that plagued my mind kept creeping up on me. With every coming second I got more and more scared of that forest. But I knew that was my only option right now. I knew I needed to get out of this rain and sleep. And, with any luck, try to regain my memories.

I reached the forest and walked in a bit then sat down. Even though I wasn't walking for long, I felt as if I had had been walking forever. Relief flooded through me as I sat down.

'see this isn't that bad after all'

That thought comforted me. I smiled slightly. Everything was peaceful for a couple moments. Then I heard a branch snap.

I hope you all enjoyed the first chapter of Safety! This is my first fanfic so please no hate. If you could please comment your opinion I would love to hear from you!

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