Chapter 6

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Days had flown by.

Gajeel would visit me everyday but most of the time we wouldn't speak. Even when we did it was never anything to important. Just small talk. He always seemed really tense whenever he was with me. Sometimes I saw a little cold sweat on his forehead but he would wipe it away quickly. The nurse told me that today would be my last day. And tomorrow I would be able to leave.

'that doesn't help because i have nowhere to go'

I decided that I would probably live on the streets for a bit. Get a job at McDonalds or something, just to get some money. I'm glad that at least this time, I was in a good physical condition.

The nurse walked in she looked relatively happy but still with a serious face on. She didn't even have to tell me, I already knew it was 2:00. Every day at 2:00 Gajeel would come visit me.

'i guess today is the last time i'll see him'

Sadness flooded me. But I decided to try and make this last exchange not be sad and mopey. But instead, it make it count.

"Mr. Redfox is here to see you." The nurse said while opening the door.

Gajeel walked in and with two long strides he was already in his normal seat. It was one of the red plastic chairs that every room had.

"Hey Gajeel!" I said as happily as I could.

"Shrimp." He just nodded.

"You know...the nurse told me that today is my last day here and that I'll get to leave tomorrow..." I stated trying not to sound sad.

"Thats good shrimp." He said with his usual scowl.

"So, I guess this is goodbye...." I managed to croak. It took all my will power not to cry.

"What do ya mean shrimp?" He asked rather confused.

"Well you won't have to visit me anymore and I'll probably be living on the street for a while until I can get a job and-" I was cut off by Gajeel getting up and walking towards me. He was so close our noses were almost touching.

"Who says you'll be living on the streets?" He questioned with a small smirk.

"Well..... It's not like I can go anywhere else-" I was cut off again by Gajeel holding my chin.

"Your goin' to live with me" I could feel his breath with every word he said.

'live with him? is he really saying this?'

"R-Really?" I said with a small smile.

"Sure. If you wanna." He said letting go of my chin.

"I-I want to!!" I said happily and hugged him.

He froze for a second like he was surprised I even touched him. But soon after I felt strong arms wrap around my waist and pulled me closer. I quickly realized what I had done and let go.

"O-Oh sorry I-I didn't mean t-to do t-that I....." I trailed off.

Gajeel just laughed and went back to sit down in his usual chair. The rest of the time he was there it was like usual. We would just look at each other without saying a word.

'did that really happen?'

I honestly couldn't believe that he was going to let me live with him. He has done so much for me. I couldn't be more grateful for him.

Once he left it was already late so I read a bit then fell asleep.


I awoke to a nurse poking my arm. Once she saw I was awake she smiled warmly.

"Good morning Levy! Once you eat breakfast I can get all these needles out then you can leave!" She said cheerfully.


I simply nodded as she brought in a tray of food. Once I finished she started to take the needles out of my skin and unhooked a couple of machines.

"Ready?" She asked.

"Yes" I say with a smile.

She helped into the wheelchair. I still haven't fully recovered so I still couldn't walk just yet. She wheeled me to the waiting room where Gajeel was. He was sitting in a chair watching the clock like he could control it. Once he saw me he quickly got up and walked over to me.

"Are ya ready shrimp?" He asked taking the wheelchair from the nurse.

"Mhm" I said and smiled at him.

I waved at the nurse and she waved back. Me and Gajeel headed for the wooden door. When we walked out the sunlight almost blinded me. Once my eyes adjusted I saw that he was pushing me towards a black volvo. He took out a metal ring which had a bunch or keys on it. He then unlocked the car and opened the passenger seat in the front.

He picked me up from my wheelchair bridal style and laid me down gently. He then closed the door and put the wheel chair in the back. When he got to the wheel he started the car and started to drive.

"Gajeel..... I'm really sorry for causing you trouble an-" I was suddenly cut off.

"Shrimp. Don't apologize." Was all he said before turning his head back towards the road.

I just looked down at the floor of the car and didn't make eye contact with him. The drive didn't take that long. Soon we were driving down this road with nice houses on each side. They were each painted a different color but they looked relatively the same.

The road seemed to last forever until I saw that up ahead there was a house blocking any more of the road. We drove up to that house and parked in the drive way. The house was painted gray and looked new. I could tell it was two stories. Towards the left of the house was the door. Gajeel got out of the drivers seat, got my wheelchair and wheeled it to my door.

He opened it and carried me out onto the wheelchair. He started towards the door. Once he got there he took out his pile of keys and fingered through them until he got to the one he was looking for and opened the door. When he wheeled me inside I started in awe at the beautiful house.

To my left was a small area with one large couch and two smaller couches. In the middle of that there was a small table with candles on it. To my right there was a huge mirror and in front of it was a long table with all kinds of junk on it. Once he wheeled mr forward a but more I could see and kitchen and a living room. Near the living room was stairs that led up to the second floor.

"Well shrimp, welcome to yer new house"

Hello my droplets! Sorry that it took awhile for this chapter to come out, I've been studying for finals and I didn't have time. And I also had a huge civics test and flute lessons but whateves :3 Anyways, I hope you liked chapter 6 and remember to comment and vote! I love to hear from you guys!

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