Chapter 10

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I was on the phone for only a couple seconds after I asked for my address because once I got it, I immediately hung up. I quickly grabbed a sticky note and a pen then wrote it down. It was 4:55 so Gajeel should be home soon. I know he didn't want to talk to me but I needed to tell him what I came up with.

'maybe this will lead us to our parents.'

Just then I heard the door creak open and Gajeel walking through. His face looked even dirtier then usual and his hands were so black you almost couldn't see any skin. I rushed over to him and almost made him fall over by jumping on top of him. "What the?!" He said as he caught me. "I think I know where to find some answers" I said trying to be as straight forward as possible.

His expression changed. He was still scowling but a softer scowl. "Where?" He asked, obviously interested. "My old house! Think about it, that's where my parents lived and maybe there is something there that they maybe left" I said. He raised an eyebrow. "Sure Shrimp" He said ruffling my hair. He walked past me. He went into the kitchen and unbuttoned his jumpsuit half way so that his bare chest was exposed but nothing else. He tied both of the sleeves around his waist.

He looked so......... I realized I was staring so I quickly looked down. While playing with my fingers I asked, "When can we go?" He looked at me for a second, then looked at the clock. "Now if ya want" He said. "Yes!!! I want to!" I nearly jumped out of excitement. He chuckled and grabbed his keys.

When we got in his car I told him the address and he punched it into the GPS. Lucky for us, it was only 20 minutes away. I cleared my throat. "Aren't you um...... going to put your jump suit on all the way?" He laughed. "Why? Don't you like what you see?" He asked wiggling his eyebrows. My face heated up. "N-No why would you t-think that?"

'damn. i can't even keep myself from stammering.'

"Sure" He said in-between a laugh. I just grunted. I started to think about what I might find in the place I used to call home. I wondered if it was even still there...... I wouldn't know until I got there. We drove down this long dirt road that seemed to go on forever. There were pebbles and rocks everywhere, so it was very bumpy.

Finally I saw a house. It was one story. It was painted a blood red that had wore out a bit. We pulled into the drive way. Well, it was more like a patch of dirt but lets not get into that. When he turned off the car he looked at me. I was looking down but I could see him through the corner of my eye. He put his hand on my shoulder. "Are ya sure ya want to go in?" He asked. I nodded. I pushed the door open and walked to the front door.

I tried opening the door, but it was locked. "Damn it" I said frustrated. I looked around and saw a pot with a plant inside it dangling from a nail in the wall. I reached inside and found a key. I tried to open the door with it, and it worked!

I slowly pushed the door open. Right when I walked in there was a kitchen. And to the left was a long glass table with 6 chairs. To the left of that was a couch and a TV. Next to that was a small hallway. On the walls were tons and tons of pictures of a little girl with blue hair.


There were pictures of me on swings, in museums, in cute dresses and bows, and there was this one picture where I was holding a very melted ice cream in my hand and had ice cream all over my face. I was smiling sheepishly.

I smiled at the sight. The house smelled of vanilla and peppermint. I went over to the hallway where there was a bathroom and two bedrooms. One of the bedrooms was painted dark blue and had a big bed and a wooden vanity. The other bedroom was much smaller. It was painted pink and had a pretty small bed and a small TV.

On the floor were boxes of toys. I turned around to see Gajeel slightly behind me. "Try to see if you can find anything" I told him. He nodded and began to search the living room. I looked all around the bedrooms and bathroom. I even looked inside the boxes of toys and drawers of the vanity. I looked under the bed, on the shelfs, even behind the shelfs but nothing. Nothing to even give me a clue as to what happened. I guess Gajeel had no luck either because he didn't come to me.

I walked toward the living room to see Gajeel looking under the couch cushions. "I found nothing" I said in disappointment. "Me either" He kind of grunted. I sighed and said, "Let's go" He walked over to me. "I'm sorry Shrimp" He said. "It's fine" I lied.

Nothing was fine. Nothing. He started toward the door and I followed I was about to reach the door when, I tripped over something and fell. I hit the ground hard. "Shrimp? Are ya ok?" I heard Gajeel ask. I slowly got into a sitting position. I rubbed my head because that's where I hit myself. I nodded.

Even though I felt a ringing in my ears, but I decided to neglect that for the time being. I looked around to see what made me trip when I saw a piece of the wood from the floor was popped out a bit. I went over to it and pried off the wood. Under it, was a little hole in the ground with a small black chest with a heart carved into it. I reached my hand inside and picked it up.

"What's that?" Gajeel asked. "I don't know........" I said, studying the chest. After awhile I opened it. Inside lay printed out baby pictures. The baby had blue hair so I knew it was me. One of the pictures was of my..... mother? Holding me. And the other was of me riding in a red wagon. I couldn't see who was driving it because the picture was cut off.

Also, inside the chest was a small comb. The kind you use for newborn babies. It was purple was fake blue diamonds running along the side of it. Next to the comb lay a perfectly folded note. It read:

Find the man inside the dragon.

He will help you.

I started at the not for a good 10 minutes. "What?" Gajeel asked. I handed him the note. He looked at it for awhile. "What does it mean by 'The Dragon'?" He asked. "I don't know. Dragons don't exist so it has to be symbolism for something....." I said. "Who do you think wrote it?" He asked. "Again, I don't know. I don't think it was your might have been one of my parents" I said, trying to theorize.

I tried to think really hard to see if maybe I remembered something about 'The Dragon' I knew that, that was the only clue we had. I took the note from his hand and studied it some more. I felt a warm hand touch mine. "Don't worry Shrimp, we'll find out who wrote this letter"

Hello my little droplets! I can't even believe how much support this story is getting, just last chapter I was thanking you guys for almost 100 reads and now I have 240!! Thank you guys so much! It means so much to me, and it's also great to know that I'm not a horrible writer >.< Quick update: I have a long weekend so I will be flying to Orlando to go to Disney so I probably won't be updating this weekend. I might be able to but I'm not sure. If you didn't know, I update a different story every time I can. In other words, since I updated "Safety" this time, I will be updating my other fanfic "Counting the Days" next time. Sorry if I bored you to death with this but I just wanted to clarify. Remember to vote and comment! I love to hear from you!

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