Chapter 2

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That was all that was going through my head at that moment.

All the worst scenarios were going through my mind at 100 miles an hour.

The noise. It sounded like a branch being snapped..... That meant someone or should I say possibly some thing was close to me. I looked around but it was no use. It was pitch black and the only thing that even gave off a sliver of light was the moon.

'maybe i'm just imagining things' I say to myself

I was quickly brought out of my thoughts when I heard another branch snap.

But it was closer.

I didn't know what to do or how to react so I just ran. I made my legs carry me away.

'so. much. pain.' My mind kept telling me

No matter how much pain it took for me to walk, let alone run , was probably going to be way less pain then what that creature could have done to me. I could feel every muscle movement. Every step. Every breath. Every drop of sweat. All of it. Since all the trees were so close together I was constantly getting poked, pinched, or cut from a thorn or really anything on the trees. I was going deeper and deeper and deeper in to the forest. I hadn't heard anything behind me or close to me, but I was not going to stop.

I felt as if I were just running into solid nothingness. Every tree I passed, every thorn that cut my body, was just getting more and more dark. I was almost at the point of not being able to see anything. Nothing. Just black. Then out of nowhere a out of place rock tripped me over and I was sent saying towards the ground.

"AAAHHHHHHHHH!!!" I screamed.

But it was no use to scream. I was going to fall either way. And sure enough, I did. I fell on a pile of pebbles head first. My mind was going all over the place at that moment. So many thoughts were crossing my mind I couldn't even think straight. My vision slowly started to blur and I felt some sort of wetness on my forehead. With what little strength I had left I reached up and touched it. I bring my hand back into view and it was covered in blood. A couple seconds after that, I blacked out.

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

I started to hear a beeping noise but I had no idea where it came from. And once again I was consumed with darkness. I slowly started to open my eyes but shut them quickly because of the strong light. A couple seconds after I very slowly tried to open my eyes. The room I was in was very bright and simple.

The walls were painted white with little teddy bears on them. I looked down and saw that I was in a baggy dress that was white and had all different colored poka dots. On top of the dress were white blankets. I saw that what ever I was in was lined with a metal frame. I looked down at my right hand and saw a needle inside my hand. I followed the tube that was connected to the needle with my eyes and saw a bag of clear fluid on a metal pole.

Beside me I saw what was beeping. It was a machine that every second or so would beep. I realized that I was in a hospital.

'but why? did someone bring me here? who? what happened to me?'

All my memories from before started to come back. I remembered waking up and not knowing anything. I remember going into the forest. I remember running away from some sort of creature. And I remembered falling.

'i guess i blacked out'

But one very important question lingered in my mind practically demanding an answer from me. Even though I didn't know.

'who found me?'

I was yanked from my thoughts when I saw a woman, most likely a nurse, come in very slowly and calmly.

"You're awake! Thats wonderful! How are you feeling Ms.McGarden?" Questioned the woman with a smile.


I had never heard that name before. Let alone be addressed by it.

"Umm.... Ms.McGarden?" I asked puzzled.

The woman looked confused at my question.

"Would you like to be addressed by your first name? Alright then. How are you feeling Levy?" The nurse stated with a gentle smile.


"Who is Levy?" I asked.

Hello my droplets! I hope you liked the 2nd chapter of Safety! I will try to update regularly like once a week. I already know whats going to happen so at least I'm not playing this by ear. Please vote and comment! I love to hear from you guys!

Safety {GaLe AU} Where stories live. Discover now