Chapter 5

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The nurse froze in her tracks when she heard the ruff voice.

I tried turing around but when I did my back aced and hurt. So I just stayed put. The nurse however tired around without a problem and spun me around too. Once I was turned around I saw who had spoken.


He was wearing the same thing as before. The only thing that was different was that a bandana was resting snuggly on his forehead. It was white with a single red zig-zag line. His face had a scowl, but more so then the last time I saw him.

"I said what's goin on here?!" He almost yelled.

"Well Ms. McGarden had to be taken off care because of some issues with her bills...." The nurse quickly answered.

She explained my situation to Gajeel. With every word that came out of her mouth he got more and more tense and mad. His hands were in fists that were so tight, his knuckles were white.

Once the nurse finished he quickly spoke back.

"What the hell? You can't just kick the shrimp out!!" He said. Making shivers go down my spine.

"Ummm......Sir......No one can pay for her bills and medicine costs money-" Before she could even finish her sentence Gajeel said something I could not even believe.

"I'LL PAY FOR HER BILLS!!!" He screamed.

'he would do that for me?'

He was fuming and looking at the nurse with hate in his eyes. Then he looked at me. His face softened for a couple seconds and I'm pretty sure I saw a slight smirk. The nurse looked scared and surprised.

"A-Alright sir." She stammered.

She then started to wheel me back to my room. She brought me instead to the bathroom where I stripped of the sweatpants and shirt, and put on the baggy hospital gown again. Once we got to the room she helped me on to the white bed, and put the needle back in my skin.

She hooked up some things and put everything back where it was before I almost had to leave. I haven't noticed before but she had forgotten to take of the band on my left hand, so she didn't have to get me a new one.

Once she was done I started to cry. But this time it was tears of joy. I was so close to being alone again but I was fine.

'why would gajeel do that for me?'

Even though that question kept pulling at my mind I just smiled and cried.

The door opened ever so slightly. I glanced up and saw a crimson eye in the little crack. When it saw me it widened and he oped the door. He rushed over to the side of the bed and kneeled down, so that we were face to face.

"Why are ya cryin' shrimp?" He asked.

I just shook my head and wiped some tears out of my eyes.

"I'm not sad I'm just so happy." I managed to croak.

He just smirked and looked at me. It was as if his crimson eyes were burning a whole in my soul. He was a mysterious puzzle I needed to solve. So many pieces.

"Why?" I questioned.

I caught him by surprise.

"Huh?" He asked raising a studded brow.

"Why are you paying for my bills? They could cost a lot of money you know. You could have just let me go so I could die like I need to." I stated. Trying to avoid his eye contact.

"Shrimp. I don't care how much money your bills are. I can handle that." He said rather seriously.

Since I was looking away from him he reached his hand out to my small chin a gently pulled his hand towards him so that my face followed. Even though me face was looking in his direction. My eyes were not. My hazel eyes wandered around the room. I pulled away from his grip and looked the other way.

"Look at me shrimp." He said.

I slowly looked at him. His crimson eyes flooded with concern.

"You do not need to die." He simply said.

Those words played over and over again in my mind but I still didn't believe them.

"Thank you so much." I thanked.

After that I quickly looked away.

"Why won't ya look at me?" I asked like he had asked the question before.

I just covered my face with my hands and a single tear left it's place in my eye.

"Huh? Why?" He asked again this time getting impatient.

With my face still my hands I managed to speak.

"It's nothing I just......just....... wouldn't like anyone to see me like this."

He just sighed and slowly got up. He ruffled my wavy blue locks and headed for the door. Once his hand fell on the door knob he looked my way.

"I'll came back tomorrow." Was all he said before leaving.

I suddenly couldn't wait for tomorrow. Whenever I was around him I just felt safe and......well not alone. Even though we barely spoke, I was glad he came. I was more then glad he was going to pay for my bills. Since I can't.

'i just feel so useless'

I just sighed and looked up at the clock. It read: 11:40 P.M.

Since I wasn't that sleepy I decided to press the button to see if someone could get me a book. I just had the sudden urge to read. I pressed the button and about 2 minutes later came the same nurse that has been taking care of me.

"Do you need anything?" She asked sweetly.

"Yes. I was wondering if..... I could maybe get a book?" I asked kind of embarrassed.

"Of course! We have shelfs of books in the break room! I'll get a couple!" She told me.

When she left I just laid down in the bed. I never noticed how actually comfortable it was. My mind was going everywhere in one moment. Every single thought I had included Gajeel. I couldn't stop thinking about him.

A couple minutes later the nurse came back in with 4 books. She placed them on the table beside me and smiled. Once she left I picked up the first one. The cover had a picture of a black dragon with crimson eyes and metal horns. It was on a cliff looking out at the city below it. The book itself was little worn out but still in pretty good condition. The last thing I looked at was the title. It read: "The Iron Dragon"

Hello my droplets! How has your day been? :3 I have a HUGE math test tomorrow so........ I should probably be studying and not writing......nah. I just want the weekend to come already!!!! It's only Tuesday. Ughhhhh. Anyway, I hope you guys like chapter 5! Remember to vote and comment I love to hear from you!

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