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My mind stopped thinking about Harry for a moment to start thinking about the blue-eyed boy  that entered the restroom, his face was blurred in my memory because I saw him through my tears but I still felt like I’ve seen him somewhere before.

That bar was full of dirt, I didn’t  understand what was a boy who was dressed as a high-class idiot doing there. Well, I will retract the idiot remark, because I used to be one of them.

Before Harry I used to dress well and stay perfect. I had the perfect hair, perfectly ironed clothes, and the perfect smile, now those things are a painful memory in my mind and the perfect smile is gone.

Harry was not that bad, I mean, we've had good times, but he doesn’t know how to love, he can’t take care of anyone other than him.

Tears appeared again, surprising me. I rubbed my arms with my hands, I would die frozen in the bench if I didn’t think of a plan and fast.

"Hey, you're the girl from the bar." Someone said behind me.

I turned to meet the idio…Boy who was in the restroom a few minutes ago. I whipped my tears with my fingers and faked a smile.

"That's right. "I replied as I watched the boy approach me.

"How come you're still here?" He asked resting his hands on the edge of the back of the bench.

I was debating myself, should I tell him the truth or should I lie?. I opted for the first option because I didn’t care anymore.

"I broke up with my boyfriend and I have nowhere to go."

"Oh, sorry," he said, rubbing his neck and looking away from me, "maybe you could come with me, You'll freeze here"

Go with him? He’s a stranger, but he was right, and anyway I had nothing left to lose.

"With you? Okay, "I whispered and got up the bench.

"Follow me, my car is over there."

What would my mother say? I'm about to get into a stranger's car to go to his home.

Unsurprisingly his car was nothing more and nothing less than a black and luxurious Mercedes, with cream leather seats and black tinted glass.

The boy opened the passenger door, Harry had never done anything like this for me.

Harry…What would Harry think about me leaving with a stranger? He surely wouldn’t mind at all. I shook my head, I needed to get him out of my mind.

"And ... what's your name?" I asked turning my head to the right to face him.

Now I see him clearly, he’s quite attractive and I keep feeling like I’ve seen him somewhere else.

"My name is Louis Tomlinson." He replied with a smile, "And you are?"

"Taylor, Swift ... Taylor Swift. My friends call me Tay, you can keep calling me Taylor, for now, "I said letting out a slight laugh.

Windows To The Soul (Laylor/Haylor Fan Fic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz