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Harry took his hand up to his mouth, covering it.

Did he just say that he killed Louis’ parents?

“What…What did you just say?” I asked him.

“I, uh…I…” His voice sounded tight. “You should tell her, since you’re the one playing with her feelings.” He said looking at Louis.

I was so confused.

“I, fuck, okay. I’m tired of this, I’m tired of hiding secrets from you and I don’t find it pleasant to hurt you anymore.” Louis handed my clothes to Harry and got closer to me.

I was feeling weird…I didn’t get what they were talking about.

“Harry killed my parents in a car crash…”

“Harry! Why didn’t you tell me?! And how did you even dare to come to his house and hit him after what you’ve done to him?!” I yelled at Harry.

I was angry, confused and sad.

“Let me finish.” Louis insisted. “I’ve been watching him for one year, I’ve been collecting information about his life, I was trying to find his Achilles heel. You are his Achilles heel. I knew if I made you fall in love with me right in front of him he’d be destroyed, I didn’t mind hurting you to make him suffer, but I do mind now…I know it’s too late and I know you aren’t going to talk to me again, but I hope someday you will forgive.”

I took a couple of unconscious steps back. I felt how the pieces of my already broken heart shattered into millions of little pieces, just like a glass when you let it fall.

I trusted him, I let him get under my skin and all he did was suck my blood like a leech. I told him my secrets and my concerns, he knew me but now I know that I didn’t know him at all. All the things he said, all the things he did…Lies, horrible lies. He was using me the whole time.

“Taylor…” He held his hand up trying to touch my cheek.

“Don’t touch me, Louis!” I cried.

He stepped back and I looked at Harry.

“You knew this…You knew about this and you didn’t tell me! You didn’t even tell me about his parents!”

He looked away from me. This wasn’t happening, I bet it was a nightmare and I was going to wake up anytime soon.

“You both are…Disgusting. I don’t want to see you again.” I sobbed.

I walked up to Harry and took my clothes from him.

“Wait, Taylor, there’s something else you need to know…”

“No! I don’t want to know! I’ve had enough, you used me Louis and I trusted you, I can’t believe I was so naïve…” I stepped back as he was approaching me.

“But you need to know that-“He began.

“Shut up! Shut up, shut up, shut up…” I closed my eyes tightly and shook my head.

I didn’t want to know anything else, I was feeling sick, my head was spinning and I was mentally tired.  Knowing this was too much for me to handle it.

I walked away and none of them tried to stop me. I didn’t know where to go, but I did know that I didn’t want to be anywhere close to them.

Louis’ P.O.V:

“This is your fault, I should’ve chased her.”

“My fault? You and your fucking plan are the reason why she’s hurting.” He was trying to challenge me.

“One, I didn’t come up with the plan. Two, you don’t know a thing about her feelings. Three, you look dreadful.”

“What? You didn’t come up with the plan?” He said as he folded his arms across his chest. “And I look better in my worst day and you do in your best.” He remarked.

“Look, I can’t stand your existence. I can’t even stand the fact that you’re breathing the same air as I am, but I’m going to tell you because I…I’m kind of…Pleased with her existence.”

“Aw, the little psycho idiot is in love with her…” He faked a smile. “Are you fucking out of your mind?! She’s mine. Mine. M-I-N-E.”

I took my glance away from him.

“You’re disgusting.” I commented. “I didn’t come up with the plan…Her father did.”

He widened his eyes and his jaw dropped. I knew this would shock him.

Taylor’s father knew that I was bitter about Harry killing my parents, and he didn’t want his daughter to be with someone like Harry, so we united and plotted the plan. But I was tired, I was tired of trying to hurt her, I was tired of lying to her. I wouldn’t get my parents back for doing this stuff, I missed them, but they’d be truly disappointed if they knew about what I’ve been doing.

“Her father?...” He shivered.

“Yeah, he made me think that hurting you’d be what my parents would want me to do. He manipulated me, but I can’t do this anymore.”

I didn’t lie to her when I told her how beautiful she was, I didn’t lie to her when I kissed her, it was a true, meaningful kiss, but I hurt her and that made me feel sick.

“We have to find her.” Harry said.

“She won’t listen.”

“I know, but we have to tell her about his father.”

I gently rubbed my nape; I didn’t know how this was going to end.

“She’s walking; she can’t be far from here.” He said as he got inside my car.

“Who gave you permission to get inside my car?” I asked him.

“I did, now shut the fuck up and drive.”

God, he was so rude. I started the car and headed to find her.

A/N: Hello again :) I'm so sorry this chapter is so short you guys, but I'm kind of ill and I have to have things left to write chapter fifteen. I've been thinking about writing a Haylor one shot that will have nothing to do with this story, but I want to write it for my lovely Haylor shippers! I still have to come up with a plot and everything, but I will try. Also, I've been thinking about it and I really want to write a sequel so everyone will be pleased because Haylor will be there and Laylor will be there, I really want to do it, what do you guys think about it? Oh, and did you like this chapter? I really enjoyed writing it!  I love you so much <3

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