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“I can’t stand you being near him, that’s why I came here…” He stuttered.

He didn’t look at me while saying that, but his voice was weak…

“Fighting doesn’t solve anything, Harry; you should know that by now.” I said, disappointment was clear in my voice.

“I know but he’s…” He began.

“He is what?”

“He’s…stupid.” He said and got up the couch.

“Where are you going?” I asked mimicking his actions.

“I’m out of here, this is killing me and you don’t seem to care.”

“What? You can’t be serious right now. I’ve been crying and hurting and all you’ve done is call me names and fight with my friend, you are not the only one who’s suffering.” I snapped and he turned around to face me.

“And why don’t we just get back together and end this agony?” He asked as he walked towards me.

“I don’t want you back Harry, you lost me.” I said looking down at my feet. “I deserve to be happy.” Tears were running down my cheeks.

He lifted my chin with his fingers and looked at me, his eyes were red and his face showed a sad expression.

“I can make you happy.” He whispered.

He slightly leaned forward to gently touch his lips with mine; I was hypnotized by his emerald eyes.  

“I love you and it kills me to see you with another man.” He confessed.

He buried his hand on my hair and kissed me with urgency, it was heavenly painful. I could taste my tears, and that’s when I realized that it wasn’t okay, we shouldn’t be kissing.

I put my hand on his torso and pushed him away from me, he looked confused.

“No, I know how this will end: I will forgive you and we will be good for two weeks then you will start to behave like a stupid again and I don’t want that, Harry, I don’t need that.” I took a few steps back. “Leave, please…” I cried.

He stood there for a few seconds watching me cry and then walked out of the house in silent.

I lay on the couch and cried. I couldn’t believe what was happening, I knew he loved me but I couldn’t do it again, I couldn’t be with someone like him and it was killing me because I loved him.

I loved him, I loved him, I desperately loved him, but getting back together would be a total fail. I wanted to evolve, I wanted to grow into a better person, and that’s why I had to be away from him, no matter how much it hurt me, or him.

I was angry, broken, confused and sad, and also worried about Louis. This had been, definitely, the worst birthday ever.

I kept crying and I was so frustrated that I hit the couch several times. There was a big question in my head: Why?

Why did I do this to myself? Why did I fall in love with him? Why couldn’t I be happy?

I wish I could remove this day from my mind and replace it by a happy memory where my birthday would have been awesome, everyone would have been there and we all would have danced and enjoyed the night. But that’d only happen in a world where Harry wouldn’t be so stubborn and selfish, where he and Lou would get along and where my parents and friends would still want me in their lives, that’s why it was so obvious that my dream would never come true.

I ran to the front door when I heard someone open it.

“Oh my god…” That’s all I could say when I saw Louis.

Windows To The Soul (Laylor/Haylor Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now